Month: December 2006

  • My Daughter with the King

    The Burger King that is :)

    The boys wouldnt go near the guy :) But she did.

  • Saddam Is dead

    Well, Saddam is dead. How are we supposed to feel? There are many people cheering this as a great victory, others are fearing what will happen in return.
    me… well, I am just confused.

    can someone tell me why they felt they had to kill him? What made him in their
    eyes deserve that? What made him worse then Bush, or Castro, or even Paul
    Saddam killed people yes (thought I am not sure he ever actually did it
    himself, his service men did it), well then by that account so does Bush, so did
    Paul. Paul killed Christians and thought he was serving God.
    I just cant understand how this is supposedly the thing they felt they had
    to do. So if there would be a civil war in the US the thing that would “need” to
    be done is kill Bush???
    I just don’t see the difference
    Why is it whenever there is an over throw of power some where the “it
    thing” to do is “always kill the former leader”
    I just don’t get it.

    ADDED NOTE>>>> I want to make it clear, I do not think that anyone should harm the president in any way. Thank you