Month: February 2007

  • He is home

    Ed came home at 7:30pm last night.

  • update on uncle Ed

    They are bringing him home today :) Hopefully he will continue to get and feel better everyday.

  • Normal

    At Building_a_mystery’s page we are all having a discussion on normal. what is normal? Do we do things just because they are the normal thing to do?
    Building_A_Mystery said “In certain Islamic nations, young girls are routinely subjected to genital mutilation.  This violent and dangerous practice is often carried out on girls ten or twelve years of age, against their will, without anesthetizing agents and often without sterile instruments.  Is this “normal” simply because it is common?”

    I would like to add that also in America newborn baby boys are subjected to the same type of horror in What the United States considers Infant Circumcision. Did you know that the United States is the only contry that subjects its infants to this as a normal part of life. People in the united states though consider this normal and the thing to do. To put their poor boys through this horror.
    More info

    Before you do something to your beautiful
    new born baby that cannot be reversed
    please educate yourself

    Children have DIED
    from being circumcised.
    DEATH is too many from a
    non-therapeutic medical procedure.
    Do you want to put your child at risk…?
    Please learn the

    still more information

    There are 23 medically advanced nations. The U.S. is the only nation which routinely circumcises nearly 63% of its newborn males. Our country represents less than 1/20th of the world population, yet it performs more than half of all infant circumcisions worldwide. If the foreskin is so prone to problems, why haven’t other advanced nations adopted routine circumcision? One can’t help but wonder why the U.S. is the only medically advanced nation that performs routine infant circumcisions without any medical indication.

           Routine Infant Circumcision is limited to English speaking countries. The practice was intoduced to the U.S. through England, but they abandoned it nearly 50 years ago, practicing it now at the rate of only 1%. The rate is 3% in New Zealand, 10% in Australia and 20% to 25% in Canada. RIC is not offered in most non-English speaking countries. It never caught on in Europe, Asia, South or Central America. If the majority of men elsewhere in the world were having medical problems because their penises were left intact, wouldn’t these countries begin the practice?

    Of the world’s male population, the breakdown of the circumcised and intact are:

                   79 million American infant circs
                     9 million American child or adult circs
                   13 million Canada, UK, New Zealand & Australia infant circs
                   27 million rest of world infant circs
                   44 million child or adult circs other parts of world
                 315 million Muslim child/adolescent circumcisions

                 487 million = TOTAL MEN CIRCUMCISED WORLDWIDE (18%)
      2 billion 160 million = TOTAL MEN INTACT WORLDWIDE (82%)

      2 billion 647 million = Total Men Living Worldwide


    Out of the Worldwide Total of 487 Million Circumcised Men:

                            65% occur as Muslim cultural circumcisions
                            15% occur in other countries
                              3% occur in other English speaking countries
                           17% occur in the U.S.
    If you wish to do more reading here are some links.
    Another one
    Last one

    Please do the research before you do something anything just because it is the “normal” thing to do.

  • another update

    They put a chest tube in to drain the fluid from his lungs. They took him off the breathing Machine :) He is breathing on his own. Hopefully they will soon be able to move him out of intensive care.

  • Very Important Update on my Uncle

    This is an update on my uncle Ed who was in the snow mobile accident on the
    9th and broke ribs and punctured his lung.
    He has fluid in his lungs. I don’t have the news yet on wether it is
    pneumonia or not and wether it is life threatening or not. I will try to keep
    you all updated as I get the information. Please continue to keep him in your
    thoughts and prayers. Thank you.
  • To those praying for my uncle

    Please continue to keep my uncle Ed in your prayers.
    Last I heard he was still on the breathing machine. He wont be coming
    home this weekend like was originally hoped.

    for those who may not know he was in a snowmobile accident last weekend and is on a breathing machine. He broke some ribs and punctured his lung. Yesterday they took more xrays of his abdomin but I didnt hear the results of those yet.

  • snow

    Well it is snowing out. It started this morning and is supposed to last through tomorrow. They let children go to school in the morning but left the school out at 12:15. It is still snowing and we are supposed to get a lot more snow but here is what it looks like now.

    My cousin trying to plow before it even stops snowing

    The cows in the snow.

  • Internet

    Internet Island

    22.01. Internet “start page” or “home page”.
    is the first thing you see when you get on the Internet. What do you
    check first? Your email? Stock quotes? The news? Do You Yahoo? Do you
    set Google as your home page? A personal website? The AP or Reuters
    news feeds? How about  Your Xanga? Or is it like the “blinking
    12:00″ on most everyone’s VCR in the 80s. Did you just keep the MSN
    home page that came with Internet Explorer? (Yes, it’s interesting to
    note that VCRs and computers arrived at almost the same time, although
    computers didn’t really “take off” until Windows 3.1 and the advent of
    the World Wide Web, which introduced “graphics” to the previously text
    based Internet.)
    The first think I do when I get online is check my email. I read my emails. I belong to some email groups for mothers and I enjoy reading mail from them. After that I check my personal pages like Xanga and stuff like that to see if anyone has left me comments and also to check the blogs and pages of the people I want to read. Then I Check a web board for people with Fibromyalgia/Lupus/CP. I help moderate it. It is a great place of support. I use Firefox instead of I.E. because I like it a lot better.

    Also I thought I would add…
    I didnt have any access to the internet until I met my husband. I was raised by my grandparents and my grandfather thought computers are evil. He also didn’t believe you should just talk on the phone either you should have something important that needs to be said. They were from a Conservative Anabaptist background. I had a typewriter :) I also never went to the movies or things like that growing up but thats a whole other topic :)
    I first got a computer in Feb 2000 at the age of 18. I got the internet a year later in 2001. And here I am :)

  • Dead

    The topic at Featured_Grownups this time is Dead Bodies….it can be insects, water, all types of things.

    Well, I was thinking, what do I write about dead bodies. Then I thought of a few things. One being the dead cow we had here just a few weeks ago. We had been having problems with one of the cows escaping, we couldnt seem to find the hole that she kept getting out. Well, later that week we can home from grocery shopping and what do I see but a cow in the yard, laying down. I thought well dont tell me that stupid cow got out again and this time decided to nap in the yard… well, at least it didnt run away. Guess my surprise when I saw that it was dead. I guess its hard for a dead cow to run away.