Socrates_Cafe posed the question “Jails are
over crowded… What alternative ways do we have to deal with
I am sure there are
many ideas on what could be done. Criminals should be punished for their crimes,
not live in luxury until it’s time for parole, only to go out and commit
more crimes so they can come back in to live on tax payers money and enjoy things many taxpayers can’t afford to have for themselves.
I know that one
person came up with an Idea they are trying. That person is Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
His solution is called Tent City. It is in Arizona. Critics rail against harsh
conditions in the prison, where temperatures can top 100 degrees. Arpaio
believes that inmates should not be treated better than the average citizen. He
serves inmates surplus food and limits meals to twice daily and charges the inmates for them. He outlawed smoking in the jail. He also has chain gangs to use the inmates to do free work on county and city
projects and save taxpayer’s money.
America has problems. The United States has the
world’s highest incarceration rate, with one in 32 adults currently or
previously behind bars.
We need to figure
out how to rehabilitate the people. Prisons are supposed to punish convicted criminals and
ultimately, rehabilitate them so that they are able to live peacefully with the
rest of society. Why is it that other countries seem so able to rehabilitate
their criminals but we here in the US don’t seem to be able to? Criminal
rehabilitation can help to solve the problem of overcrowding in most
One of the big problems
that we have are the fact that a parolee needs a job when he gets out of prison.
He usually has no skills, so all he can get is a minimum-wage job, if that. Many
places will not hire someone who has just gotten out of jail. This makes it hard
for the person to support themselves and makes it more likely that the person
will return to comitting crime to survive. No one can explained to me how we
keep the parolees from committing crimes if they can’t find decent
Also a way to prevent some of the problems
in the jails would be to have nonviolent criminals on house arrest with
monitoring braclets. Something that would make it that they could work and be a
productive member of society, but they could only be at work and home.
think we in the US should look at what other other places are doing and what is
working for them.
What are your thoughts on the issue?
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