Month: July 2007

  • My preemie turns 5 today

    Today my preemie is turning 5. So today I am taking a look at pictures from the past 5 years.

    born on 7/31/2002 at 9:57pm

    Birth Weight: 5 Pounds 12 ounces

    Birth Height: 18 1/2 inches

    Chest: 11 inches

    8/1/02 8:30 am due to the length that he had been fighting with his
    lungs, he was transferred by ambulance from Ephrata Community Hospital
    to Lancaster General Women and Babies Hospital.

    arriving at the Lancaster Women and Babies Hospital the hospital had
    decided to use nose plugs to put oxygen in to his system but around
    1:30 am they decided to place him on a breathing support machine so he
    did not have to work so hard. The Tube was inserted.

    8/6 He finally came off of the ventilator. That was the first that we
    got to hold him. I held him for over two hours before I finally let
    daddy have a chance. I didnt want to put him down.

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  • Hubby’s new Hair Cut

    Here are the pictures

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  • If your house was burning down and you only had time to save one thing, what would it be?

    This question is the question on the main Xanga page. I think this is neat that they are doing this. Now to answer the question.
    I am assuming that my husband and children are getting themselves out. So we are talking about something not human.
    This is hard. there is nothing here that important that it cant be replaced. I would probably grab my purse. All our important stuff is in a fire proof safe so I dont have to worry about that stuff and I plan on placing disk back ups of our pictures in there to. So the most important thing would probably be my purse. With that I would have my keys to the van and my drivers licence and all that. And if my cell phone isnt on me it is in my purse so I would have that too.
    So my purse is probably what I would grab.
    What would you grab?   

    I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!

  • Abundance


    This weeks subject is suggested by Wingsofdesire


    My house is full of abundance of love. Between All my children, my husband and my grandparents. I am loved abundantly.

    Here are pictures of the people who love me so abundantly.

    My three little ones… who are not so little anymore. They grow up so fast.

    My grandfather who raised me, sitting on the swing with my oldest and youngest

    My husband with the boys

    Both of my grandparents, who raised me.

  • Keep this woman in your prayers

    Iranian Christian Convert—who Sought Refuge in UK—due to be Deported to
    Iran, where She Could be Executed for Her Conversion

    “There is further evidence in the last twelve days that puts me in
    even greater danger than before if I am sent back to Iran. Since my arrest, my
    name has been mentioned in The House of Commons, the national press, radio and
    television, making my conversion to Christianity a very high profile case. I am
    now in even greater danger than before.” –Samar

    Hope FM Staff/AH (July 27, 2007)

    (Bournemouth, UK)—In some of the media throughout the UK
    lately, and even reaching to the House of Commons, is the plight of Samar, an
    Iranian-born woman who converted to Christianity, and fled to the UK. But who is
    now due to be deported back to Iran, where her life will be in danger because of
    her conversion.

    A local Christian radio station in Bournemouth (Hope FM 90.1) has been
    an advocate for Samar, alerting the public of her situation, and putting
    together a petition and email-writing campaign to MPs and Prime Minister, Gordon

    The Hope FM website states the following: “We know that Samar’s story
    has touched hearts across the nation and many have asked what they can do to
    help. As well as praying and joining the e-mail petition detailed below, we
    would invite you please to write to your local Member of Parliament and ask them
    to add their support to calls for Samar to be granted leave to stay in the UK.”

    Samar is currently being held at a detention center in the UK. In regards to
    a “death warrant” by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Court, she said, “There is
    further evidence in the last twelve days that puts me in even greater danger
    than before if I am sent back to Iran. Since my arrest, my name has been
    mentioned in The House of Commons, the national press, radio and television,
    making my conversion to Christianity a very high profile case. I am now in even
    greater danger than before.”

    In a quote from the Daily Echo, Samar added, “I have a flame of hope
    in the bottom of my heart. I am frightened but I have hope because of

    To find out more about Samar’s situation, and how UK citizens can help,
    follow this link:

  • Pictures

    The first picture is a picture I have been working on restoring for my grandfather. The people are standing on trash (in a dump)

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  • Now Today

    What can I say. The children are always begging everyday to have their
    pictures taken. They love posing for the camera. So here they are again

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    Another Day of Summer School today. The last day is tomorrow. She is ready to go.

  • Hope


    This weeks subject is suggested by Marycarimom

    The subject is Hope

    My son being here today is proof that there is always hope.

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    now….He is the one on the left in the camouflage shirt

  • This morning

    Here are the children this morning. My daughter wanted to show off her hairstyle to everyone this morning.
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