July 30, 2007
If your house was burning down and you only had time to save one thing, what would it be?
This question is the question on the main Xanga page. I think this is neat that they are doing this. Now to answer the question.
I am assuming that my husband and children are getting themselves out. So we are talking about something not human.
This is hard. there is nothing here that important that it cant be replaced. I would probably grab my purse. All our important stuff is in a fire proof safe so I dont have to worry about that stuff and I plan on placing disk back ups of our pictures in there to. So the most important thing would probably be my purse. With that I would have my keys to the van and my drivers licence and all that. And if my cell phone isnt on me it is in my purse so I would have that too.
So my purse is probably what I would grab.
What would you grab?I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!
Comments (1)
i read your story with interest. i am so sorry you have had to go thru so much pain. i pray you find your relief in Him!