June 26, 2008

  • Another Change

    (yes, I know, my fourth post of the day. what can I say too much to talk about today lol)

    As you may know, awhile ago my dear husband was forced to work night
    It started out as 4:30pm to 4:30am it was that way for about 2 or 3 weeks
    until they cut overtime.
    It them became that he was working 3:30pm to midnight 5 days a week
    Well, They were informed tonight that starting next week the whole plant is
    switching to 4 day weeks Monday through Thursday. (They told the workers it will
    help workers save gas lol)
    So starting next week he will be working 4:30pm to 3am (10 hour
    Everyone will still be getting 40 hours, just in 4 days now instead of
    So this again will be something new to get used to. Looking on the bright
    side that means he will get 3 days off each week. That will be nice. But I do
    still miss that promised overtime he was supposed to be getting.
    I am just so happy though that he still has a job. I know there are plenty
    of people who don’t. We are blessed because he was told that they are done with
    the layoffs so his job is safe. I was getting a little worried for a bit because
    they laid off a really nice Amish man who was a really hard working, so I don’t
    think anyone thought their job was safe the past 2 weeks. But praise the Lord
    after laying off 4 people (3 of them were slackers anyway) there are no more
    Now to just get used to this new schedule of his.

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