Month: December 2008

  • This evening —- Don’t Drink and Drive

    I want everyone to have fun this evening. Many go out and Party. I will be staying home. But for those of you going out…have fun.

    Please don’t drink and Drive.

    My best friend in first grade was killed by a drunk driver — Her father.
    My best friend in high school had to spend a long time in the hospital and over a year recovering after being hit head on by a drunk driver.


    Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable.

    Don’t ever let your friends drive drunk. Take their keys, have them stay the night, have them ride home with someone else, call a cab, or do whatever else is necessary – but don’t let them drive!

    The legal limit for drunk driving is a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08. A 120-pound woman can reach a .08 BAC level after only two drinks and a 180-pound man can be at .08 after only four drinks.

    A “drink” is either one shot of liquor, a five-ounce glass of wine or one beer.

    At the .02 blood alcohol concentration level, experiments have demonstrated that people exhibit some loss of judgment, begin to relax and feel good. But tests have also shown that drivers at the .02 level experience a decline in visual functions, affecting their ability to track a moving object, and experience a decline in the ability to perform two tasks at the same time.

    These changes may be very subtle and barely noticeable to the person who has had only one drink, but in an emergency situation while behind the wheel of a vehicle, they could cause the driver to react (or not react) as they would without having had a drink.

    At the .05 BAC level, people begin to exhibit exaggerated behavior, experience loss of small-muscle control — such as being able to focus their eyes quickly — have impaired judgment, lowered alertness and a release of inhibition.

    If someone with a BAC level of .05 gets behind the wheel, they would be operating the vehicle with reduce coordination, a further diminished ability to track moving objects, more difficulty in steering and a markedly reduced response in emergency situations.

    .08 BAC Level
    When someone drinking is approaching the borderline of legal intoxication, studies show that he or she has poor muscle coordination — affecting their balance, speech, vision, reaction time and hearing — find it more difficult to detect danger, and exhibit impaired judgement, self-control, reasoning ability and memory.

    A driver with a BAC of .08 will find it more difficult to concentrate, judge the speed of the vehicle, experience reduced information processing capability and exhibit impaired perception.

    It’s simply not a wise choice to get behind the wheel no matter how much you have had to drink. The only safe driving limit is .00 percent.


    Thank you and may you have a wonderful 2009!

  • Please go pray for My_HAT_is_older_than_you’s wife

    Please go pray for My_HAT_is_older_than_you’s wife:  Link

  • Israel

    The National Anthem of Israel – I hope you enjoy it.

    Lyrics to the Israeli national anthem were written in 1886 by Naftali Herz Imber (1856-1909) and the melody was composed by Samuel Cohen. Imber moved to Palestine in 1882 from Galicia. Cohen was a Moldavian immigrant who received his inspiration partly from a Scandinavian folk song. Hatikva was named “The Hope” because of it’s emphasis on the Jewish people’s constant hope to return to their homeland throughout two thousand years of exile. Throughout this period of exile, the Jewish people were scattered around the world.

    The Jewish people recited daily prayers and observed holidays in accordance with the Jewish calendar. Jews were rarely free to practice their religion openly without persecution from others. Maintaining this hopefulness is what allowed the Jewish people to survive the two thousand years of exile and is the subject of this highly respected anthem.

    Hebrew Lyrics

    Kol od balevav p’nimah
    Nefesh Yehudi homiyah
    Ulfa’atey mizrach kadimah
    Ayin l’tzion tzofiyah
    Od lo avdah tikvatenu
    Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim
    L’hiyot am chofshi b’artzenu
    Eretz Tzion v’Yerushalayim

    English Lyrics

    As long as deep in the heart,
    The soul of a Jew yearns,
    And forward to the East
    To Zion, an eye looks
    Our hope will not be lost,
    The hope of two thousand years,
    To be a free nation in our land,
    The land of Zion and Jerusalem.

  • Pate and Turkey Salad

    Pictures of the Pate I made for me and the turkey salad I made for the others. Enjoy.

    In the second picture the turkey salad bowl is a lot bigger then it looks LOL

  • Pray for Barry — Update

    Pray for Barry (my husband). He went and got himself sick with what I got. He is starting to feel it today (I feel a lot better today, still a bit sick but a lot better.) I was pretty sick for 3 days when I got it. (fever, didn’t want to move, didn’t want to eat, etc…sick) He has to go to work tomorrow. They aren’t allowed to call off as this week Monday through Wednesday is Inventory and they are required to be there. They aren’t allowed to call off. So please pray that he feels better by tomorrow Morning as he has no choice but go to work.

    Thank you.

    (I don’t normally ask for people to recommend my posts but could you please recommend this to your friends so that more people are praying. Thank you)

    God bless you all.

    12/29 update : Barry is at work right now. He has a 101.3 fever. Please keep him in your prayers. It is mandatory attendance this week. Please please pray for him. He is feeling really really miserable.

    Thank you.

  • Do you ever think?????

    This is something that everyone should think about. It is something people tend to not want to think about it. How often do you think about it?

  • My husband’s Christmas Present

    He needs the chain on his wallet otherwise he has problems keeping from loosing it lol. He LOVES it :)

    I forgot to mention…..Can you tell he is a fan of the Zelda games????

  • Happy Hanukkah

    Get your own Menorah at ChaiSpace!

  • From Hubby to me

    Hubby got me 2 bangle bracelets and a necklace that I love. Cheap ones as I refuse to wear expensive jewelry. Our wedding bands are $12 Sterling Silver puzzle rings that I love. I don’t wear expensive jewelry. I don’t think I have anything that cost over $15. And I am very picky too lol.

    He got me stuff that I love and will wear all the time.

    Here are pictures.
    This is a shield necklace that has Joshua 1:9b on the back of it

    Then the two bangles (sorry the pictures aren’t the best.)
    The silver pewter one has Matthew 19:26 with God all things are possible
    The other pewter one has Philippians 4:13 i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

  • Prayers please—update

    Please keep me in your prayers. I am still sick. I am better then yesterday. But still sick. I really appreciate your prayers. Please continue to pray.
    Thank you and God bless.