I just want to say a big thank you from our family to _______ ……You know who you are. Thank you and God bless.
Daughter with American Girl, Kaya book set
Revelation being done, there will be a break until Next year.
Starting January 1, 2009 I will be starting with Psalms.
I hope that you have enjoyed reading through Revelation and before that Jeremiah.
If the Lord tarries I hope you will enjoy going through Psalms with me.
God bless and Merry Christmas
Here is a poem that I really really love so much that I wanted to share it all with you. It is by Enos D. Stutzman. It is in Pennsylvania Dutch. I made a video to go with it. below that is the poem in Pennsylvania Dutch and below that a paraphrase of it in English. It really is best in Pennsylvania Dutch but I know that not everyone may understand PA Dutch so please enjoy the translation if you don’t know PA Dutch.
Es War Schadde uff Golgotha
Es war Schadde uff Golgotha seller Friedaag Nochmiddaag;
Den die Sunn hat sich verschteckelt so das ken Mensche Aug
Uff der Heiland gucke kann; iwwerall war Alles schwatz,
Wie Er dat am Kreiz hat ghanka in Sei leiblich Doodesschmatz.
Drei Schtund lang war es ganz dunkel, wie Er am schterwe war,
Un das Donnakronen Blut war fescht gedrickelt an Sei Haar.
No hat Er mit sei letscht Often naus gerufe zu die Leit,
“Es is faddich!” un Sei Seel is weck gefahre von Sei Leib.
Felse hen sich no verisse un die Erd hat sich gebedt,
All die Leit hen no venumme es der Heiland nimme lebt.
Un der Hauptman es dat gschtanne war hat allemnooch geglaubt,
“Wahrlich war des Gottes Sonh,” hat er druff anna gsaad.
Finf daag erschder war der Heiland nei geridde in die Schtadt;
Er war uff en Esel Hutschli; niemand hat’s gebroche ghatt.
Leit hen Gleeder uff der Bodde un Ihn wunderbar ge-ehrt;
“Des is unser Yudde Kennich,” un “Hosana!” hat mir gheert.
Von en Keenich zu dem Kreiz in so en glenne, katze Zeit!
Wie hen sich so schell verennert die Gedanke von die Leit?
Was hat Jesus dan geduh fa so en Dod verdiene datt?
War Er der schlimmscht von alle Mensche? Hat Er veil Sinde ghatt?
Nee, die Sinde wo im Vorschein warre dat an selle Zeit
Warre meine gwest, un deine; ya, die Sinde aller Leiet.
Unser Sinde sin die Schuld es Er dat im Gaarde war;
Dat im Gaarde Gethsemane mit Sei Leewe in die Gfarr.
Selle Sinde hen Ihn gnomme niwwer zu Pilatus’ Thron,
Wo Sei Buckel blitich gfitzt war, der unschuldich Gottes Sohn.
Die hen Ihn an’s Kreiz gebrocht, un Er hat’s aa gern geduh,
Weil Er, darich Sei Leewes Opfer, gebt Sei Kinner eewich Ruh.
Sitter es die Sache gscheh hen is es fascht zwee Dausand Yahr,
Un die Welt geht alsnoch an, graad es wie sie hat davor.
Set mir awwer net dran denke? Wie mir darich des Leewe gehn,
Wann mir allfatt in die Gfarr von diefe, schwere Sinde stehn,
Wie der Heiland glidde hat, darich die Sinde von die Leit,
Wo der Schadde uff Golgotha war; Sell is noch fa uns heit.
“Twas Dark upon the hillside (Parapharse of “es war schadde uff golgotha”)
‘Twas dark upon the hillside on the Friday long ago;
the sun was black as velvet, so no human eye could know
The horror of the suffering of the dying Son of God;
He hung there, lifted up above the jeering, mocking crowd.
Three hours it persisted; then the time had come to die;
The Son of God departed, “It is finished!” was his cry.
The rocks were rent asunder, and the earth began to shake;
In the graves beneath the city many saints were stirred awake.
The soldier who was stationed there by Caesar’s stern decree
Responded, “Of a truth I say, the Son of God was He!”
The curtain in the temple was completely rent in twain;
Man’s broken fellowship with God was now restored again.
Why was this lowly Nazarene the One who had to die?
Was He the worst of sinners? Is this the reason why?
And did the motley multitude, who clamored for His blood,
make valid accusation, as before them Pilate stood?
Yes, it was sin that brought Him there unto the cross of shame;
But not His sin; for He had none; we are the ones to blame.
‘Twas your iniquities and mine that nailed Him to the tree;
The sin of Judas, Pilate, us; it’s all the same, you see.
Our evil brought Him to the cross; it drove the nails in;
It put the thorns upon His brow, our vile, repulsive sin.
And yet, He was not forced to go this lonely, Calv’ry way;
Not God nor man compelled Him there to die for us that day.
He chose, Himself, to give His life, ;ost mankind thus to save;
‘Twas voluntary, ev’ry step unto the borrowed grave.
Two thousand years have nearly passed, since this event took place,
Providing full salvation to the fallen human race.
‘Tis free for all who trust in him, and follow Him each day.
Although the price was far beyond what man could ever pay.
But for the one who turns his back, His death was all in vain;
That, not the nails or thorns, became the source or greatest pain.
And so, when in your walk of life, the temter comes along,
Entices you alluringly, to think or do some wrong,
Remember the tremendous price our Saviour chose to pay,
When darkness fell upon that hill so long ago that day.
This week a hamster died. We let our children know about the hamster’s death. They were sad of course but not that sad. Why? Because “S” came up with “replacement theology.” What is Replacement Theology? It is the train of thought of …”Oh, let’s go buy another one.” That made them all happy at the thought that they could go get another one. “S’s” idea of “replacement theology” works well for hamsters, but what about people?
How do you explain death to a child? What would you say to your child if their best Friend (My best friend died when I was in 1st grade), Grandmother, or family member died? What are the proper words to say? How would you handle it?
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