February 24, 2009
5 Beautiful Memories or sights that I Cherish
I had a person ask me to do a post on this topic and I said I would try. The first things to pop in my head were my wedding day and the birth of all three children,
But I have done posts on that before. So I tried to think of other things. I made a big list and then picked five. I almost picked the cows for one of the five because that is just the type of freak I am
What can I say…I think the cows are cute.
But I decided against that too.
I finally picked 5 out of the many many things.
I will start with my granny. I can no longer see her. She died in 2008. Can you call a person a memory. I guess really they are composed of many memories. I have so many good memories with her. One being that every time I would visit her we would go to Burger King. Now you have to realize granny was what many people now would call “a Health food Nut.” She knew natural cures for all sorts of things and would eat very very health…..including things like sunflower seeds and natural peanut butter….but every time I spent the weekend with her we would go to Burger King. It was “our thing.” We had so much fun together.
A really beautiful site that I cherish that no one will ever see in person again is the old Ephrata Hospital. Yes, near the end it was falling apart. I always held out hope though that they would restore it. It was part of History. It was so beautiful. It really belonged there. I miss it so much. Now there is a big fancy hotel there. It is so ugly. It does not have the beauty that the old hospital had. It is sad that my children will not remember seeing that building in person. The world lost a beautiful place when they tore that down.
Did anyone else have a doll family growing up? I did. I loved my doll family. As weird as it may sound they are like a real family to me. Some of them are still in the family even though I am grown. My daughter has the two cabbage patch dolls in her room. I still have my “daddy doll” (It was given to me by my father and is the biggest one in the picture) and blue bear (my care bear). They live with us in our bedroom. People my think of me as weird but they are family members. Anyone says anything bad about them and they will be in big trouble. They are very important to me.
Oh, one dear memory…..my 5th birthday party at McDonald’s. Do they still do birthday parties? Mine was so much fun.
Our family is a hiking family. We hike a lot during the spring/summer/fall. I share pictures with everyone now and then. It is a time of family togetherness and fun. People are shocked at time how far our children hike. The one week we did a 16 mile hike. We all had to much fun. Walking in the nature is something that everyone should do at least a few times. If you don’t you will never realize the beauty and joy that you are missing.
Ok, I shared my 5 beautiful memories or sights that I cherish, now it is your turn.
Comments (3)
Very cool! i may do a post about this later!
Beautiful memories. I’m on my way to work in a few short minutes but will do my 5 when I return. God Bless your day!
I used to have a little checkered doll like your pink one in the front, but mine was a blue-ish color
We are a hiking family too and we haven’t really been able to much lately.
I miss that.