Month: October 2009

  • It happened before

    It happened before and it happened to people just like us. The Holocaust happened because the general population allowed a group of people to become scapegoats. If we don’t look at each other as equals and respect each others rights, the same thing could happen again.

    You might wanna look up Pandemic Response Bill or RFID or New World Order, Army Class 31E, FEMA, Martial Law, and the G20.

    Your thoughts?

  • Did you know Speech problems are a disability?

    My son C is in Kindergarten. I received a call earlier this week about concern about him having speech problems. I had never really thought about it. I can understand him. When I sat and thought about it though I realized, yes, he does have speech issues. There are a lot of people who can not understand him. I asked him if his teacher always understands him. He said no. I asked him what happens then. He said he says it again :)
    He is soo cute. I really don’t mind letting them test him for speech issues and getting the help so that he can be understood easier. The papers came to fill out to let them test him.
    It came with a huge thing about parents rights and rights when it comes to IEP’s. (IEP=Individualized Education Program) and also all about IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). Talk about a lot to read.
    At first I was like why all this stuff. Christian isn’t disabled. I understood all the IEP stuff for W. He has educational issues but I was thinking why Christian? I was even thinking that when I started witting this. Then it hit me! Not being able to be understood by your teachers and peers is a big disability. Yes, he maybe able to walk. He may be able to hear. But many many people can’t understand him. That is a major disability. Hopefully this disability will be able to be fixed (Most speech issues can be) and he will be able to go and make more friends (something that is hard to do when many people can’t understand what you are saying) and do the things that he wants to do.

    What do you think of when you hear disability?

  • A very important reminder

    I have a very important reminder for those of us in the United States and Canada!

    This is the weekend that we all need to remember to turn our clocks back an hour.

    Which do you prefer spring forward or fall back or do you just wish it would stay the same all year round and not have to worry about time change?

  • Fall Fest Fun

    Here are videos of the children having fun at fall fest.

  • Very interesting…what are your thoughts?

    I read a very interesting blog post that I would love to hear everyones thoughts on. I will share the link to it here but she does not have comments open. So feel free to come back here and tell me what you think.

    Here is the post
    NoteWorthy News  10-29-09

    What do you think?

  • Today Is……

    Today is Wednesday October 28th, which means that it is Pink Hijab Day!!!

    In the United States, donations are being collected at

    Muslim women, as well as women of other faiths across America and abroad will be observing “Global Pink Hijab Day” by donning pink headscarves. This is a day intended to initiate dialog, promote education about the Islamic headscarf (Hijab), and raise breast cancer awareness.

    The Pink Hijab day has also spread to areas all over the world, including South Africa, Egypt, and Qatar.

  • Pink Hijab Day Tomorrow

    This year, Pink Hijab Day will be taking place on Wednesday October 28th.

    According to the website, “Pink Hijab Day is intended to shatter stereotypes of Muslim women, as well as raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research. All over the world, Muslims participated by wearing pink hijabs, pink ribbons, and donating to breast cancer foundations.”

    In the United States, donations are being collected at

    Muslim women, as well as women of other faiths across America and abroad will be observing “Global Pink Hijab Day” by donning pink headscarves. This is a day intended to initiate dialog, promote education about the Islamic headscarf (Hijab), and raise breast cancer awareness.

    The Pink Hijab day has also spread to areas all over the world, including South Africa, Egypt, and Qatar.

    Who can participate in Pink Hijab Day?

    Anyone! Anyone can wear a pink item, whether it’s a pink Hijab, a pink ribbon, or pink socks. In 2008, a group of students in Canada dyed kufis and wore pink kufis.

    Contact these people to get invovled with Pink Hijab Day in your area! 



    South Africa:

    South Jersey/Philadelphia:

    Area Organizations

    Donate to these organizations in your area to help fight breast cancer! 

    United States: Susan G. Komen Foundation


    Egypt: Breast Cancer Foundation of Egypt 

    Saudi Arabia:  Zahra Breast Cancer Association


  • Update on Grandma Hannah

    I have an update on Grandma Hannah for everyone (to read past updates click here) Grandma is leaving the hospital today!! She is not coming home. She is going to my aunts house. My aunt says that she is going there for a few weeks to gain her strength but then they plan to have her come home.

    So that is the update. Grandma is leaving the hospital!

  • What I saw this morning

    It is raining outside today and I was waiting for the bus for the children to go to school and when they went I saw this….



  • Our Needs

    We need your prayers. Consider it an unspoken request for our family. God knows what the need is. So just please pray for His leading and guiding and protection of our family. (If you message me privately I may explain more)

    Also please continue to pray from Grandma Hannah (click here for all the updates)