Month: April 2010

  • School Bus Accident!!!! Updated

    A school bus loaded with students from the school my children go to was rear-ended Tuesday morning on Route 322 by a box truck. Twelve students and the bus driver were taken to the hospital to get checked out.

    The students, who ranged from second- to sixth-graders, were checked for head and neck injuries after the accident

    Nine ambulances responded to the accident. Emergency workers took children off the bus on backboards, with neck braces

    The bus was stopped and a student was about to get onboard when it was hit from behind.

    The driver heard the brakes of the truck and yelled for the kid to get away. The kid would have been stepping on the bus at the moment of impact. The bus driver’s quick actions prevented some serious injuries.

    The impact pushed the bus forward about 25 feet.

    He obviously was speeding if the bus got pushed that far. It’s 45 miles per hour so, yea, he could’ve hurt a bunch of kids

    Parents of injured students were notified. The non-injured students headed onto school, where they were checked out by the school nurse as a precaution.

    Most were taken to the Ephrata Community Hospital, and one student was taken to Lancaster General Hospital. All of the students who were taken to Ephrata Hospital have been treated and released. However, the child taken to LGH has been transferred to the Hershey Medical Center.

  • Do you ask first?

    Do you know what makes me mad??? People who text and picture text people without ask first!!!

    Guess what!!! Not all of us want to see your crap. Not all of us have unlimited text or fancy phones. I have a basic cell phone that I only use to TALK on. It cost me for the picture texts and I cant even see picture text on my basic phone.

    I have told one person 4 times now that it cost me when she sends me picture text WHICH I CAN’T EVEN SEE and guess what I got ANOTHER one TODAY!!!!!

    I have someone else who like to text message me for stupid reasons.  STOP TEXTING ME!!!!

    Am I the only one who thinks it is rude to just text people?

    Do you asked people before you text them?

  • Hello

    Playground school bell rings again
    Rain clouds come to play again
    Has no one told you she’s not breathing?
    Hello I’m your mind giving you someone to talk to
    If I smile and don’t believe
    Soon I know I’ll wake from this dream
    Don’t try to fix me, I’m not broken
    Hello I am the lie living for you so you can hide
    Don’t cry
    Suddenly I know I’m not sleeping
    Hello I’m still here
    All that’s left of yesterday

  • Bleach Blond

    Here is Barry’s new look

    Here is my new hair

  • Meow


  • Jack and Jill

    I just read a new Jack and Jill saying this morning.


    Jack and Jill went up the hill,
    but Jack ran out of breath,
    undaunted Jill got up her will
    and she went down with Beth.

  • To Write Love on Her Arms Day

    To Write Love on Her Arms is a “non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide.” The idea of a TWLOHA day is quite simple: write the word “love” on your arm on April 21st. The goal is to raise awareness of those who are hurting as well as promote TWLOHA’s work to provide hope, help, and support.

    how many of you out there know someone that has suffered or is suffering from depression or any other mental illness?

    how many of you know someone that uses self-harm to help regulate emotions?

    how many of you know someone that has attempted suicide?

    how many of you know someone that has killed themselves?


  • Favorite Hat

    I love my hat. Here is my favorite hat and me.

    Do you have a favorite Hat?

  • First time

    If you  want to read about my children’s first trip to the movie you can read about it at….
    My husband wrote about it.
  • Blessing

    I have a praise to share. I am so happy. The school social worker had called our house yesterday to let us know that there was a church that wanted to give free stuff to 4 families. She wondered if we would be interested. I said sure. She said it would be detergent and stuff.
    Well, we were supposed to get it 6:30 PM Friday night.
    We have been blessed beyond belief.
    I was not expecting much. They gave much much more then I expected. We are so blessed. We got toothbrushes and 6 tubes of tooth paste. They also gave us around 20 rolls of toilet paper, around 7 boxes of Kleenexes, some paper towels, 5 or so bottles of cleaning supplies, 4 bottles of dish soap, 8 bottles of detergent, and 15 bars of soap, 2 boxes of cereal ….etc. (That is off the top of my head….I am sure I didn’t list it all)
    I feel so blessed.