A school bus loaded with students from the school my children go to was rear-ended Tuesday morning on Route 322 by a box truck. Twelve students and the bus driver were taken to the hospital to get checked out.
The students, who ranged from second- to sixth-graders, were checked for head and neck injuries after the accident
Nine ambulances responded to the accident. Emergency workers took children off the bus on backboards, with neck braces
The bus was stopped and a student was about to get onboard when it was hit from behind.
The driver heard the brakes of the truck and yelled for the kid to get away. The kid would have been stepping on the bus at the moment of impact. The bus driver’s quick actions prevented some serious injuries.
The impact pushed the bus forward about 25 feet.
He obviously was speeding if the bus got pushed that far. It’s 45 miles per hour so, yea, he could’ve hurt a bunch of kids
Parents of injured students were notified. The non-injured students headed onto school, where they were checked out by the school nurse as a precaution.
Most were taken to the Ephrata Community Hospital, and one student was taken to Lancaster General Hospital. All of the students who were taken to Ephrata Hospital have been treated and released. However, the child taken to LGH has been transferred to the Hershey Medical Center.