April 26, 2010

  • Do you ask first?

    Do you know what makes me mad??? People who text and picture text people without ask first!!!

    Guess what!!! Not all of us want to see your crap. Not all of us have unlimited text or fancy phones. I have a basic cell phone that I only use to TALK on. It cost me for the picture texts and I cant even see picture text on my basic phone.

    I have told one person 4 times now that it cost me when she sends me picture text WHICH I CAN’T EVEN SEE and guess what I got ANOTHER one TODAY!!!!!

    I have someone else who like to text message me for stupid reasons.  STOP TEXTING ME!!!!

    Am I the only one who thinks it is rude to just text people?

    Do you asked people before you text them?

Comments (14)


    I don’t ask people before I text (it doesn’t cost my friends to receive texts), and I never send MMS, but if I did, I’d ask.

  • I don’t send out those stupid mass picture text messages. They’re stupid. I get them, but I have unlimited everything, so I ignore them and soon they go away. If someone consistently sent me stuff when I couldn’t afford it, I’d block them. They’re obviously not a good friend anyway.
    The only people I send picture texts to are like 2 people and it’s usually things you want to see. lol

    P.S. your profile makes me happy!

  • I agree. I have mine set up not to receive texts and i cant receive or send pics but if i did and ppl did that i would be very annoyed too. Irate if i asked them specifically not to and they did anyway. So i totally understand your

  • Ps. Cute background. :)

  • Block their number. Tell them if you want to hear from them, you’ll call THEM. :)  

  • I don’t text people unless I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them with an iPhone or Blackberry in their hands…

  • I love being mute. No phones to mess around with lol

  • I do not send picture texts and if someone asks me to not text him, I would not.

  • What if you don’t open the text? Will you still have to pay for it? I remember a few years back my cousin didn’t have texting and as long as he didn’t open the message it wasn’t charged to his bill. 

  • Sadly, this is why I got a texting plan. I hate texting but I was a sheep and gave in because everyone else was doing it, and I was sick of being charged for them. Now I’m just like everybody else

  • You could contact your service provider and tell them that you want to block texts. My husband did that and he’s been a much happier person since then! 

  • i don’t think i do (ask). i sort of figure i have the worst of cellphones and okay plans so everyone else must have something better lol.

    one of my friends turned off his texts…and now just doesn’t receive them. i found out like half a year later. ouch.

    you can picture text?!

  • in malaysia we don’t get charged for receiving texts or calls. only making calls and sending texts would get charged.

  • I still can’t understand how anyone can subscribe to any service that will force them to pay for things they don’t have control over receiving. Why don’t people just boycotte carriers with ridiculous policies? One of the many many reasons why I would never permanently move back to the States is that everywhere else I lived service providers were actually not allowed to charge you for incoming calls, texts or MMS, however such regulations would be viewed as OH My HaShem! Communism!

     But yeah, I’d be annoyed and would probably block ppl who keep texting me.

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