Month: July 2010

  • Walk down memory lane

    My truck. It is from the 70s or so….. It has a hood that opens. Ignore the zombies on it LOL

    My piggie bank :)

    Me as a child

    My strawberry shortcake Tv Tray

    Old Jesus puzzle from my childhood. It is older then me

    Great Grandpa Martin’s tooth pick holders

    Beaded necklace from Great grandma Martin

    Puppy purse

    My beaded purse

    I was a preemie. Back then you had to special order the pampers for preemies. You could hold me in the palm of your hand. I also wore dolly clothes and slept in a little doll crib.

    My care bear purse with mirror and comb

    I got this in Sunday School

    I got this at my age 5 birthday party at McDonalds

    So there is a bit of a walk down memory lane.

  • First time on 2 wheels

    These are videos of the children riding bike. This is the first day that they learned to ride on 2 wheels. All three of them just learned.

  • Iranium Movie

    Sneak Peek: Iranium Movie – Featuring John Bolton – Former Ambassador Bolton interviewed about the Iranian nuclear threat for the upcoming movie Iranium. Brought to you by the makers of the critically-acclaimed documentaries “Obsession” and “The Third Jihad.”

    Synoposis: The Clarion Fund, producer of the films Obsession and The Third Jihad, is producing a new film on the Iranian Nuclear threat. We believe that this is the most important and time-sensitive film we could make at this time.

    Since the inception of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iran has displayed an absolute hatred for the West. Coupled with an extremist ideology, this regime has terrorized the world at large for over 30 years.

    Our 45-minute film will explore the principles of the revolution, and visually demonstrate the hatred and violence exhibited by Iran’s brutal leadership. The film will document the regime’s abusive treatment of their once proud citizenry, and will chronicle the regime’s use of terror proxies abroad to inflict deadly messages on their self-described enemies.

    More info at:

  • Self-Portrait

    Everyone is welcome to join in. All you have to do is post one or more photos regarding this subject on your site.

    This was taken with a webcam back when W was a Baby. He turns 8 on Saturday.

    This is a picture my daughter drew of herself in sidewalk chalk.

  • You may have heard it already

    You may have heard it already….Especially if you are from Pennsylvania.

    But if not…..First a shout out to the Pennsylvania guys

    and then a little shout out to New Holland

  • Food for a week?

    How much do you normally spend on food for a week and how many people does it feed?

    1. Germany – $500 a week for food

    2. North Carolina, USA – $341.98 a week for food

    3. Japan – $317.25 a week for food

    4. Italy – $260 a week for food

    5. Great Britain – $253 a week for food

    6. Kuwait – $221.45 a week for food

    7. Mexico – $189.09 a week for food

    8. California, USA – $160 a week for food

    9. Beijing, China – $155.06 a week for food

    10. Poland – $151 a week for food

    11. Egypt – $68.53 a week for food

    12. Mongolia – $40 a week for food

    13. Ecuador – $31.55 a week for food

    14. Bhutan – $5 a week for food

    15. Breidjing Camp – $1.23 a week for food!!! {Sudanese refugees in Chad}

    From the book Hungry Planet: What the World Eats by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio

  • Crash Stalls Traffic On 222

    (Update at bottom)

    A tractor-trailer crash is causing big backups on Route 222 in Lancaster County. The crash has shut down the northbound lanes of 222 one mile south of the Ephrata exit. The southbound lanes are being stopped periodically to let drivers turn around.The crash involved a tractor-trailer, a BMW SUV and a van.

    Four people were hurt. A tractor trailer, operated by Gary C. Tompkins, age 54, of Oneida, Tennessee, was traveling north on SR 222 and encountered traffic that had slowed down due to the lane restriction. The tractor-trailer stuck the rear of a 2007 Chrysler Pacifica operated by a female. The Pacifica was pushed off to the right side of the road where it overturned. The tractor trailer then struck the rear of a 2007 Toyota Sienna, which was also slowing down for traffic, operated by Gerald Russell, age 63 , of Owego, NY. Tompkins was not hurt, but the driver of the Pacifica and a female passenger were taken to Reading Hospital by ambulance. Russell suffered minor injuries but was not hospitalized. A passenger in Russell’s vehicle, Sharon Chambers, of Cooperstown, N.Y., was taken to Ephrata Hospital by ambulance.