July 31, 2010
Walk down memory lane
My truck. It is from the 70s or so….. It has a hood that opens. Ignore the zombies on it LOL
My strawberry shortcake Tv Tray
Old Jesus puzzle from my childhood. It is older then me
Great Grandpa Martin’s tooth pick holders
Beaded necklace from Great grandma Martin
I was a preemie. Back then you had to special order the pampers for preemies. You could hold me in the palm of your hand. I also wore dolly clothes and slept in a little doll crib.
My care bear purse with mirror and comb
I got this at my age 5 birthday party at McDonaldsSo there is a bit of a walk down memory lane.
Comments (5)
I am amazed that you still have all of those things! I have a few pictures, but that is it. I guess that tells you what kind of childhood I had, huh?
Aww cute. <3 I love the trucks and your kiddie school pic especially
This makes me want to pull out some of my old things I keep around for nostalgia.
I too was a tiny early baby and had to have the premie diapers and nipples. The clothes they bought me would not fit so I went home from the hospital in a doll dress my grandma found!
You were a premie? Why? I have experience with premies, three of my cousins were born early because they were triplets (my aunt took a fertility treatment because she couldn’t conceive due to a tyroid gland disease). They had to spend one month in the hospital.