Grab the closest book or Magazine to you. Go to page 56. Copy the 5th sentence.
Stone meteorites, which account for 94 percent of these bodies in space (called meteoroids there), have low metal content because they originated in the outer, stony mantles of asteroids. -Astronomy August 2011
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Comments (5)
“You’ll be locked up all summer.” Too Far by Rich Shapero (I just got this tonight so haven’t read it yet and have no clue what it’s talking about haha)
“The tiny pieces used in such quilts would probably be discarded by today’s quilter, but the ‘use up, waste not’ attitudes of earlier times still prevailed in the late nineteenth century” ~The Love Of Quilting Jan/Feb 2007
“A few last words and tears, a few simple adieus and blessings, and, clasping her wondering and affrighted child in her arms, she glided noiselessly away.” From Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
“POLONIUS Miféle kincse volt, fenséges úr?” Hamlet by William Shakespeare, translated to Hungarian by János Arany. Yes, I know, it’s weird.
The 5th full sentence on page 56 of The Plains of Passage by Jean M. Auel:
“Hanging from the belt was a knife sheath made of stiff rawhide, the hide of an animal that had been cleaned and scraped but not processed in any way, so that it dried hard in whatever shape it was formed, though a good, thorough wetting could soften it again.”