Absolutely spot-on, every word. There is no excuse for the citizens of this country to not have access to health care. Republicans have once again attempted to block something that would help millions of people (and that they used to support) in their quest to make Obama a single term president. I’m thrilled this was passed, don’t care if it’s a tax, don’t care if I have to pay it. I’ve been a single mom with a single income because my ex didn’t pay child support for almost a year after we separated, and it sucks to have to choose between food and a trip to the doctor. It’s ridiculous that here in the US people have to go to the ER because the cost of visiting a GP is too high.
It’s just the beginning, though – hopefully. If enough people can get behind this we might actually have a system like Canada or the UK. It will take years but will be worth the growing pains, provided we can get there at all.
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Absolutely spot-on, every word. There is no excuse for the citizens of this country to not have access to health care. Republicans have once again attempted to block something that would help millions of people (and that they used to support) in their quest to make Obama a single term president. I’m thrilled this was passed, don’t care if it’s a tax, don’t care if I have to pay it. I’ve been a single mom with a single income because my ex didn’t pay child support for almost a year after we separated, and it sucks to have to choose between food and a trip to the doctor. It’s ridiculous that here in the US people have to go to the ER because the cost of visiting a GP is too high.
It’s just the beginning, though – hopefully. If enough people can get behind this we might actually have a system like Canada or the UK. It will take years but will be worth the growing pains, provided we can get there at all.