September 29, 2012
What Normal People Would Do
Isn’t this what normal people would do?
Just made a stranger’s day, found their lost cell phone in my yard this morning.
The people were so happy that we found their cell phone. It has now been returned to them
They had only had it a month so we really made their day
they thought that it was gone for good. They had left it on the roof of their car at Walmart and it fell in our yard like half a mile down the road. I just did what I would want someone to do if I lost my phone and they found it
They kept saying thank you and talking about how they thought it was gone for good.
They had lost it last night. They had even walked half of the road between us and Walmart looking for the phone.
They were so happy and could hardly believe it.
I really just felt like I was just doing what a normal person should do. You find a phone you try to get it reunited with it’s owner.
What would you do if you found a phone outside your house? Didn’t I just do what normal people do?
Comments (11)
In a perfect world everyone would do as you did. In a perfect world…
Yes you just did what normal people do, and what a good person would do. A lot of people would have not given it back and used it for illegal purposes. Thank goodness there are people in the world like you.
That is what normal people do. I would do my best to return the phone. I would certainly return the phone if I saw the person looking for it. It says a lot about the world we live in when a person seems shocked that a stranger would do the right thing.
For some reason my sub button didn”t work right and I had to resub if that makes sense.
First I would try to contact E.T. If that didn’t work then I guess I would do what you did
Figure out to whom the cell phone belongs, and figure out a way to contact them on another number.
I’ve found plenty of phones in my day and I always turn them in to lost and found if it’s at school or the mall or in a store. I’ve not found one on the road yet, though I too did leave mine on top of my car and it made it a couple miles down the road and I had found it, in pieces, the next day.
I always turn in phones, but if it’s not locked, I like to take a peak at the text messages so i know what type of person I’m returning the phone to. I’ve found quite the steamy, heated, and disturbing text messages. haha!
Yeah… i always return them when I find them.
I found a phone in my college bathroom once. I dialed “dad” and told him I was taking it to lost and found in the police portables. Is this what normal people do? No because some people don’t say thank you. Some people say “YOU STOLE IT” or something dumb like that. Someone at my work got fired because some bitch like that. She found a wallet on her way to the restroom. Well she REALLY had to go so she picked it up (so nobody would steal it) and turned it in when she could. This bitch said she had $20 more in there. Seriously? Glad you got your wallet back but it cost someone their job. Possibly a scam though because wallets started getting dropped all over the place.
Yay for making their day!
I’d like to hope most people would do as you but unfortunately there are some who wouldn’t.
If nobody’s around looking for it, I’ll thumb through the contact list and call their mother so she can relay where the owner can find their phone.