90 percent chance that the East will get steady gale-force winds, heavy rain, flooding and maybe snow starting Sunday and stretching past Halloween on Wednesday. Major Flooding and damage expected. Hurricane Sandy is Heading Straight for us.
Gov. Tom Corbett declared a State of Emergency and urged Pennsylvanians on Friday to prepare for a potentially dangerous super storm that could pound the entire state with a combination of damaging winds, rain and snow.
Utilities, road crews, and emergency management personnel throughout Pennsylvania are girding for a potentially-damaging storm early next week. Utility workers have been told to
The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency urged residents to prepare for a possible storm by making sure they have three days of supplies at home, and that they know how to reach family members in case of emergency.
Get prescriptions refilled now, especially if your doctor must approve the refill.
Keep your car’s gas tank full.
If you live in a 100-year flood plain (you can check at city hall or your library) or on the coast figure out your evacuation strategy now. Make your list of things you will take with you.
Fill a few gas cans (the type you would use for your mower) to have extra in the event of power failures.
Purchase extra staples. Without power, stores will be closed.
Purchase booster batteries for your cell phone and other essential equipment. If you need insulin or other medicine that must be kept chilled make plans now.
Consider what you would do if you were without electricity for a week. If you have an invalid living with you who requires electricity. Be proactive.
If you live in a heavily wooded area, does someone in your vicinity have a gasoline-powered chain saw? Does it have fuel and a reasonably good chain/blade?
Get to an ATM. Without power, credit card readers and ATMs will not be working. In a disaster, cash is king.
Have plenty of candles/matches
Be careful and safe