November 21, 2012

November 16, 2012

November 14, 2012



    Eddie Scott


    I’m always amazed that some people believe
    things that defy common sense
    How do they accept the bizarre and the odd
    for which there is no evidence

    Sure, some people say that it’s harmless
    And I wish I could just let it go…
    But it’s not what we know that makes trouble
    It’s what we know – that just isn’t so.


    It’s always such a drag to be the skeptic in the room
    I state my case and watch the room grow silent as a tomb
    ‘Cause I’m the one who always says “How’s that supposed to work?”
    Which makes me end up sounding like an overbearing jerk

    Yes, it’s a drag to always be the lonely skeptic in the room
    I have to speak my mind when pseudo-science starts to bloom
    Although I try to hold my tongue sometimes I just can’t make it quit…,
    ‘Cause people sure believe some crazy shit!

    VERSE 1:
    I have a friend, her name is Laura, loves to talk about her aura
    Every time she’s off her game: her dented aura is to blame
    She says everybody’s got ‘em, cameras have been known to spot ‘em:
    Magic, mystic aural energy

    One day I just had to ask her, Laura, make it clear…
    How’s it all supposed to work? Please tell me – I’m all ears!

    How’s an aura get created?, tell me how’s it’s generated…
    is there a hypothesis for how an aura can exist?
    Maybe you’re just having mood swings, which you blame on magic woo things 
    That’s the last time Laura talked to me!

    VERSE 2:
    My friend Dennis he’s a scholar; his tech skills earn him top dollar
    just a few short years ago, Dennis saw a UFO!
    Now he says they’re all around us; Aliens in fact surround us
    Probably they’re living right next door! 

    I say “Dennis, tell me buddy, help me understand…” 
    How can there be flying saucers, buzzing ’round the land?”

    How come every single sighting seems to come in lousy lighting
    I guess I’d accept the truth, with valid photographic proof
    But when you saw those lights a blinking – had you maybe just been drinking? 
    Dennis doesn’t call me anymore!

    VERSE 3:
    Britney is a modern lady, rather green and quite new-agey
    Claims her latest malady, was cured by homeopathy!
    She says it has magic rules, just take some wholesome molecules…
    dissolve them in the purest H2O! 

    Britney took this grand concoction, and her pain was fixed.” 
    “Come again,” I had to say, “just what was in that mix?”

    If it works well what would then be – water has selective mem’ry?
    Knows the good but not the shit, that ever was dissolved in it. 
    Thanks to science here’s what we know, really it’s a big placebo… Britney told me just where I can go. 

    VERSE 4:
    I have a friend, no “Doubting Thomas”, quite devout and really honest, Says despite what we’ve been told, the Earth is really not that old. 
    He will brook no whys or wherefores, that’s what holy books are there for Earth was born six thousand years ago.

    To contradict you, Thomas, I admit to feeling grief But maybe there’s some evidence to counter your belief!

    Like chemistry, biology, astronomy, anatomy, astrophysics, botany, geology, zoology…
    molecular biology, physics, physiology Thomas says “So what?” they’ll burn in Hell!

    VERSE 5:
    My young neighbors Dave and Tina, talked about how they had seen a Former Playboy pinup queen, shouting out about vaccines. 
    Now they think its realistic – so that no one grows autistic Not to vaccinate their little kids.

    Dave, please listen now before it really is too late Don’t take health advice from one to whom you used to masturbate?!

    Beauty queens have certain assets; science really ain’t their strong set you should get a good assist – from a freaking scientist!
    Guys, I won’t speak gingerly – ’cause this could cause great injury The right thing is what Dave and Tina did!

    So…it’s…not… always such a drag to be the skeptic in the room
    Sometimes I state my case and find that people will consume
    Though I’m the one who always says “How’s that supposed to work?”
    It doesn’t have to mean that I’m an overbearing jerk

    No it’s not bad to always be the lonely skeptic in the room
    Bu I’ll still speak my mind when pseudo-science starts to bloom
    Although I try to hold my tongue I know I’ll never quit…,
    ‘Cause people do believe …
    And man do they believe!
    Yes, people do believe some crazy shit!

November 13, 2012

  • Witch World

    Witch World by Christopher Pike

    I loved reading this book. I remember in the 90s reading books by Christopher Pike. I really loved his books. I saw this book and I had to read it. What makes this even better is that it looks like her will be making this into a series. It is a really good story and I look forward to seeing where he takes this series in the coming books.

    Witches are real—and each of us may be one—in this all-new paranormal suspense novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christopher Pike. Heading off for a weekend in Las Vegas with her friends, Jessie Ralle has only one worry—how to make it through the road trip in the same car with her Ex, Jimmy Kelter. The guy who broke her heart five months ago when he dumped her for no reason. The guy who’s finally ready to tell her why he did it, because he wants her back.

    But what Jessie doesn’t realize is that Jimmy is the least of her problems.

    In Las Vegas she meets Russ, a mesmerizing stranger who shows her how to gamble, and who never seems to lose. Curious, Jessie wants to know his secret, and in response, alone in his hotel room, he teaches her a game “Red Queen.”

    Jessie finds out that there are two worlds… the second being Witch World. Is she a witch or is she loosing her mind?’

    Witch world is a MUST READ!

November 6, 2012

November 2, 2012

November 1, 2012

  • The Bloody Bible

    God is love.

    Or is he? 

    This show takes a hard and literal look at the contents of the bible, both Old Testament and New Testament, to reveal and discuss barbaric and bloody-bathed scripture verses most Christians aren’t even aware of.


October 27, 2012

  • Big Storm

    90 percent chance that the East will get steady gale-force winds, heavy rain, flooding and maybe snow starting Sunday and stretching past Halloween on Wednesday. Major Flooding and damage expected. Hurricane Sandy is Heading Straight for us.

    Gov. Tom Corbett declared a State of Emergency and urged Pennsylvanians on Friday to prepare for a potentially dangerous super storm that could pound the entire state with a combination of damaging winds, rain and snow.

    Utilities, road crews, and emergency management personnel throughout Pennsylvania are girding for a potentially-damaging storm early next week. Utility workers have been told to 

    cancel vacations, state transportation officials are plotting strategy and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency has been in touch with federal weather forecasters about the likely path of the storm.
    The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency urged residents to prepare for a possible storm by making sure they have three days of supplies at home, and that they know how to reach family members in case of emergency.

    Get prescriptions refilled now, especially if your doctor must approve the refill.

    Keep your car’s gas tank full.

    If you live in a 100-year flood plain (you can check at city hall or your library) or on the coast figure out your evacuation strategy now. Make your list of things you will take with you.

    Fill a few gas cans (the type you would use for your mower) to have extra in the event of power failures.

    Purchase extra staples. Without power, stores will be closed.

    Purchase booster batteries for your cell phone and other essential equipment. If you need insulin or other medicine that must be kept chilled make plans now.

    Consider what you would do if you were without electricity for a week. If you have an invalid living with you who requires electricity. Be proactive.

    If you live in a heavily wooded area, does someone in your vicinity have a gasoline-powered chain saw? Does it have fuel and a reasonably good chain/blade?

    Get to an ATM. Without power, credit card readers and ATMs will not be working. In a disaster, cash is king.

    Have plenty of candles/matches


    Be careful and safe


October 23, 2012

  • Possom Shortbread Cookies with Chocolate + Walnut

    You’ll Need:

    • 1 cup butter, softened
    • 3/4 cup sugar
    • egg
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • Melted Chocolate chips
    • Crushed walnuts


    1. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add egg and vanilla; mix well. Combine flour, baking powder and salt; add to creamed mixture and mix well.
    2. Form cookies (in an oval shape with a pointed end) and place 2″ apart on on ungreased baking sheets. Bake at 375 degrees F for 6-8 minutes or until set but not brown. Cool on wire racks.
    3. Dip 3/4 of cookies in melted chocolate and then in crushed walnuts. Dot two eyes and a nose!

October 22, 2012

  • Shame on….

    Dave Silverman, President of American Atheists stated, “The American population is woefully unaware of the implications of a Mormon president because nobody is discussing the issue. Mormonism is a non-Abrahamic religion that has already used its money and might to impose its beliefs on the non-Mormon citizens of California.”

    “We need to know if Mr. Romney supports these and other discriminatory actions of his church, for which he evangelized when it was still overtly racist, and to which he continues to donate millions of dollars. It’s a fair statement to say that all American citizens should be wary of a president who once proselytized, to Christians and Atheists alike, for a living,” Mr. Silverman said.

    [Managing Director Amanda] Knief continued, “When President Kennedy was running for office, the American public demanded to know whether his first loyalty was to his Catholic church or his country, and he answered, in no uncertain terms, that he stood by this country and supported the separation of religion and government. All we are asking is that Mr. Romney address the same issue — as president, will he give his first priority to the U.S. Constitution or the Book of Mormon?