June 26, 2008

  • Reminiscing

    Last post was a picture of Great Grandma’s Wedding dress. It made me reminisce a bit.

    Both great grandpa and great grandma Wise died before I was born.

    Great Grandpa Martin was still living and Great grandma and Great Grandpa Hoover.

    Great Grandpa Martin lived on the farm across the road. And if you
    traveled Back great grandpa Martin’s field you would get to Grandma and
    Grandpa Herr’s house and Great grandma and great grandpa Hoover.

    I spent a lot of time playing at Grandpa and Grandma Herr’s house.
    Grandma Herr died this past January.

    Grandpa Herr (or Grandpa Harold as many of the Children at Charity and
    Ephrata Christian Fellowship call him) is a missionary in Haiti. 

    This is a picture of the Herr family back when my mother was a baby.

    Christian and Ells Martin came to America on the Pink Plaisance ship on September 21, 1732.

    Christian Martin was born 1669 in Eriswil, Switzerland, and died 1753 in Lancaster County,Pa..
    Emprisoned: Bet. 1717 – 1732, In Tracheswald Castle for ” Religious differences- beliefs contrary to Catholic church.

    They were Anabaptist. They were leaving the persecution.

    The 278 page draft genealogy
    Martin: A Mennonite Family Tree,
    is now available for purchase
    Impressions Bookstore

    Weaverland Mennonite Cemetery

    The Old Order Weaverland Mennonite Church. The land for the church was given by the Martin’s (David Martin, Christian Martin’s son)

    David Martin’s new tombstone

    Map of the land

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