January 30, 2009

  • inquiring minds want to know…….

    inquiring minds want to know…….how did it go at the conference with W’s teacher and tutor.

    well ……………………………………..

    It could have gone worse……………

    It could have gone better ………………………….

    Basically He is almost up to grade level in Reading. He is doing SO GOOD…..in reading. He has been improving so much since the beginning of the year with that.
    And He is great at telling time, which is something many many children struggle with.
    And he is a really really happy, loving, bubbly child.

    He is still just at +1 and +0 math facts :( He should be at +7 by now…..she is about to start subtraction with the class…so he is really far behind in that.
    He is still having problems writing 3,4, 6, 7, 9 and b,d,p backward.
    He has trouble with his r’s and l’s in speaking

    He is going to be getting testing to see if he needs extra help and all that sort of good stuff. The testing has not happened yet, but it will be happening. The guy in charge of that has talked with W’s teacher and tutors so the next step is the tests. Then we go from their seeing how the tests go.

Comments (8)

  • what do wish would have happened?

  • @Made2sing4Jesus - wish…..I wish he was a straight A student…..that would be less interesting though LOL

  • @Made2sing4Jesus - really though….I don’t know….I just want to help him in any way I can and help him learn. 

  • @Kristenmomof3 - I was reading about this bc my twins are struggling in Math. So I did some research,..I’ll message you the rest.

  • Praying…

  • *considers even deeper the interest in becoming a teacher.* I hope more than anything they just give him the time and attention he needs to learn this stuff. That’s all it is. Some kids just need more personal attention. I hate that kids are looked on as less (fill in the blank, any number of words come to mind) because they learn at a different pace than others. God made us each individual. There is no right pace or wrong pace to learn. I pray they give him time and personal attention

  • he seems to just need time and space. I hate it when they push kids along before they are ready. who says he needs to be in “+7″ ?  it seems he is telling them just where he does belong right now… b/c that is where he is.

    besides,  A+ students have their own sets of problems…

  • Has he had a psycho-education evaluation done? This would be done by the school psychologist. My son recently had this done and it really helped pinpoint his unique problems so that a better IEP could be put in place and help with learning strategies. You could ask the school to do one, but they may or may not take you serious so the best way to do is just write it. It does not even have to be more then a one sentence request, but it starts the clock ticking for them to do it. It might be helpful.
    Donna B

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