The first one is cute! I also like numbers 3-6 very much as well. I don’t really like number two much. But whatever you pick I’m sure will be great you have a lot of lovely photo’s to chose from!
Hope you have a wonderful day!!
#3 is scary to me, lol…
#2 makes me laugh, so I think I’d vote that one.
I like 4 and 5
#2 is kinda creepy, like Chucky the killer doll. My fave is #6 because it represents what you seem to value very highly and could represent your inner beauty, then #5 (would maybe be my fave, but might confuse readers as to your gender). P.S.- You are such a wonderful writer, I would also your thoughts and feelings on subjects other than religion. You are very thorough, articulate, and passionate!
@lonelywanderer2 - what other types of subject would you like to hear about? Maybe one of them will strike my fancy and I will write about it
Hmmm, I’ll have to think on that. Didn’t expect you to ask! lol…I’ll let you know if anything sparks in the brain-pan. Anything you know and feel strongly about, I know you will write beautifully about!
# 6! What is more precious in the eyes of the Lord? I was adopted from birth, and so even though I have a vague idea as to my bio-parents nationality, I have no way of knowing about their religious identity. I do know that I have felt a very strong affection for and an affinity with the Jewish people my whole life. Anyways, a cross inside Star of David… that one’s awesome. It would reflect your identity and I believe it would be most pleasing to the Lord.
I like your current one. #6 and #1 are runner-ups. No to Barbie though.
I love #5, but probably wouldn’t use it because it would look like you’re a man. I guess I like the current one or #6 best.
If like your current one, actually. But since it sounds like you’re looking for a change, I took the liberty of playing with it in photoshop, and came up with this that I thought you might like. It’s the same photo, just tweaked a bit, to “match” your site.
@radicalramblings - oh…I like that one. I will add that to the list.
@Kristenmomof3 - I did that from the one you have currently posted. If you happen to have that in a larger size (like, the original file), and would be willing to email it to me, I could make it a lot clearer. Just let me know if you’re interested. Also if you had the original in color, that would be better to start with. Just an offer I wanted to throw out there for you… I like playing around with stuff like that
@radicalramblings - I really like it and It is a really nice size for a profile picture
I’m going to say 7
I can’t help but love the Jewish Barbie…..LOL
I like your current picture…because I like to know what my friends on Xanga look like…BUT…I also love the last one…really highlights the things that are important to you. I wonder if you could somehow combine your current one…and the last one… Ruth Ann And I do love the Jewish Barbie but it seems somehow …..a little flippant…and I dont think of you that way.
Comments (29)
I like the current one.
Hehe!! I like the first one because it’s Mario.
The first one is cute! I also like numbers 3-6 very much as well. I don’t really like number two much. But whatever you pick I’m sure will be great you have a lot of lovely photo’s to chose from!
Hope you have a wonderful day!!
#3 is scary to me, lol…
#2 makes me laugh, so I think I’d vote that one.
I like 4 and 5
#2 is kinda creepy, like Chucky the killer doll. My fave is #6 because it represents what you seem to value very highly and could represent your inner beauty, then #5 (would maybe be my fave, but might confuse readers as to your gender).
P.S.- You are such a wonderful writer, I would also your thoughts and feelings on subjects other than religion. You are very thorough, articulate, and passionate!
@lonelywanderer2 - what other types of subject would you like to hear about? Maybe one of them will strike my fancy and I will write about it
Hmmm, I’ll have to think on that. Didn’t expect you to ask! lol…I’ll let you know if anything sparks in the brain-pan. Anything you know and feel strongly about, I know you will write beautifully about!
# 6! What is more precious in the eyes of the Lord? I was adopted from birth, and so even though I have a vague idea as to my bio-parents nationality, I have no way of knowing about their religious identity. I do know that I have felt a very strong affection for and an affinity with the Jewish people my whole life. Anyways, a cross inside Star of David… that one’s awesome. It would reflect your identity and I believe it would be most pleasing to the Lord.
I like your current one. #6 and #1 are runner-ups. No to Barbie though.
I love #5, but probably wouldn’t use it because it would look like you’re a man. I guess I like the current one or #6 best.
If like your current one, actually. But since it sounds like you’re looking for a change, I took the liberty of playing with it in photoshop, and came up with this that I thought you might like. It’s the same photo, just tweaked a bit, to “match” your site.
@radicalramblings - I like that offering =)
bless ya,
@radicalramblings - oh…I like that one. I will add that to the list.
@Kristenmomof3 - I did that from the one you have currently posted. If you happen to have that in a larger size (like, the original file), and would be willing to email it to me, I could make it a lot clearer. Just let me know if you’re interested. Also if you had the original in color, that would be better to start with. Just an offer I wanted to throw out there for you… I like playing around with stuff like that
@radicalramblings - I really like it and It is a really nice size for a profile picture
I’m going to say 7
I can’t help but love the Jewish Barbie…..LOL
I like your current picture…because I like to know what my friends on Xanga look like…BUT…I also love the last one…really highlights the things that are important to you. I wonder if you could somehow combine your current one…and the last one…
Ruth Ann
And I do love the Jewish Barbie but it seems somehow …..a little flippant…and I dont think of you that way.
@Redlegsix - you mean like this??
I like #4
@Kristenmomof3 - ABSOLUTELY!!! I Think that is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well you know I like #5 but the one you have up right now is good! and is not up for the voting process I might add.
I like 4 and 5 the best
I Like #2, the current one and #5
I like number 5 best.
@Mighty_Men_of_Valor - yeah, it is a combination of the two that were winning.
I like #3. It looks cool<33