October 27, 2009

Comments (10)

  • oh very cool!!!!

  • Creepy!! 

  • is hubby feeling better? and cool pic…

  • @dlm0908 - nope hes still sick

  • Praying mantis! Cool! My neighbor kid who has become a friend found one in the bushes when he was mowing my lawn a few weeks ago, and we moved him to the bushes right by the front of the house because we were getting ready to trim the bushes he was living in. He was a cool little guy, but he seems to have moved on, because I haven’t seen him in a while. I also had a banana spider set up house outside my front door. I’d go out and check on him every morning, and very strangely, he got to the point where after a few weeks of going out and looking at him and talking to him, he would come down his web right to eye level with me and look right back at me! I named him Webster lol. When it started getting a little cooler at night here and the flying insects were getting few and far between, I noticed that he would stay in his web even during the daytime, which he never did. I set up a little battery operated puck light on the post his web was attached to to draw moths into his web, and it worked, but he seems to have moved on too.

  • @AOK4WAY - aww Webster moved on. Hope he has a great new web somewhere

  • I like those critters. We got snow today!

  • @Kristenmomof3 - Yeah, but Char had kinda grown fond of him too. We’d show the neighbors the webb and tell them it was Charlotte’s Web lol.

  • OH!  How neat!!

  • Funny little things.  I found one trying to get into our church yesterday. (Must have wanted to “pray”.  Someone has to)

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