Month: May 2010


    I can’t believe it. Floyd Landis has admitted to doping…..

    I always believed he was innocent. I didn’t believe he would have done something like that. Being raised the way he was and everything like that…I didn’t believe it. I thought it couldn’t be true. I believed him when he said he was innocent.

    Now he says he lied….

    I believed what he said and came to his defense a number of times. I am saddened that he wasn’t man enough to step up and admit his bad choice.

    Landis Admits He Used Performance-Enhancing Drugs

    I am saddened.

    I also feel bad for his parents. The local news is camped out at their house wanting to talk to them about it.

  • Do I look butch to you?

    Last time I posted photos of myself I had people talking about me behind my back and also sending me hate mail because I have short hair and look “butch” and as not dressed conservative enough.

    Well here you go haters….

    Two more pictures for you to complain about

  • What I am wearing today

    Today I am wearing a dress that I love. It is 10 sizes bigger then me. I love wearing it when I am just hanging out inside and not needing to go out in public. It is just so comfortable and baggy.

    So here is me today.

    What are you wearing today? Post pictures and let me know :)

  • Trading Spaces: Parent Child Edition

    Saturday afternoon my husband had an idea. What was his idea? Well, it was to mix things up a bit, a bedroom switch with our two sons. The square footage of the room we were in was a couple inches bigger then the room they were in but their room had more wall space. Anyone who has ever lived in an old house, which have no closets, know the importance of wall space. So, we spent the rest of the day switching things around. Here is what it looks like after 6 hours of work.

    First pictures of the boy’s new room and then pictures of ours…..

    Here is W playing, with their big cars and toy box and Lego box and clothes closet behind him

    W and S playing. Also the one door and the bed (Which needed to be fixed yet) and book shelf.

    Here you can see C and S and the book shelf and bed and corner of the clothes closet and I am taking the picture from the second door in the room.

    Ok, now to move on to our new room.

    This is looking in from the doorway. Here you can see our bed and where my tunics and shalwar kameez and things like that hang.

    Clothing drawers and you can see a bit of the computer where squirrel is sitting.

    The computer desk, printer and veil holder drawers

    again the computer can be seen in this picture and the tv and the doorway. Hanging in our doorway you can see the Israeli flag.

    Our bookshelves.

    Now today we need to put up our black light stars and things like that on our ceiling.

  • Just some picture fun

    I just decided to have some fun playing around with pictures. Here they are….


  • Dewmocracy

    Vote for MTN DEW(R) Distortion(TM) -

    Have you tried the three new choices? Which is your favorite?

  • WHAT IS THIS????

    We found this Cocoon? Egg Sac??? on our ivy. What is it?

  • Mother’s Day Program by Children

    Here are pictures and Video from my youngest son’s Mother’s Day Program, May 6th 2010.

    This is “C” with his teacher

    This is “C” giving MaMa, Pronounced Maw-Maw (Yes I know our family spells it weird but it is how it has been spelled my entire life and almost everyone knows her as MaMa) a hug. She is his great grandmother. She is also the woman who raised me and who I take care of during the week.

    “C” at the book table

    “C” reading to MaMa

    “C” reading to Me and MaMa

    The Teapot that he gave me with a bag of tea

    Posing with the bee

    Getting ready to sing.

     Now here are the videos of the singing…

  • The only thing more dangerous then the disease are the carriers

    Today I watched a movie called Carriers.

    Four people fleeing a viral pandemic soon learn they are more dangerous than any virus.

    A deadly virus has spread across the globe. Contagion is everywhere, no one is safe and no one can be trusted. Their aim is to retreat to secluded utopian beach in the Gulf of Mexico, where they could peacefully wait out the pandemic and survive the apocalyptic disease. Their plans take a grim turn when their car breaks down on an isolated road. The virus is the least of their problems as horrible choices must be made in the face of lost humanity.

    I really liked this movie. It makes you think.  It’s thought provoking. What if you are placed in this situation.

    The rules are simple….
    Numer One: Avoid populated areas at all costs.
    Number Two. When you come into contact with other people, assume they have it.
    Number Three: The virus can survive on surfaces for up to 24 hours, Never touch anything that’s not disinfected.
    And the last rule: take what you need and never look back.

    You break the rules, you die.
    You follow them, you live.

    Carriers is not scary but it is deep, dark and though provoking.

    What would one do if a family member becomes sick with a highly contagious disease?

    Would one pull over to help someone who’s already doomed to die?

    It is a movie about moral choices.