Month: June 2010
Kristen is going Raw…..Food that is.
Raw foodism (or rawism) is a lifestyle promoting the consumption of uncooked, unprocessed, and often organic foods as a large percentage of the diet.
A raw vegan diet consists of unprocessed, raw plant foods that have not been heated above 46 °C (115 °F). Raw vegans believe that foods cooked above this temperature have lost much of their nutritional value and are less healthy or even harmful to the body. Typical foods include fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains and legumes.
Live foods. It’s common sense right? A cooked seed won’t grow, but a raw seed will. Heating food over 118 degrees Fahrenheit destroys much of the nutrients in your food.
Enzymes. Cooking food destroys much of the natural enzymes (your body can also create enzymes, but can only do so much) in your food that are needed to break down nutrients. Eating raw eliminates this problem.
More regularity. You should naturally have around two to three bowel movements a day. If you’re going less than that, it probably means your intestines are unhealthily clogged. A raw diet gives you more than enough fiber to keep you regular.
What are your thoughts? Anyone willing to try Raw for 30 days? Try it!Here are two links to get you started….
Money Rocks Park
Money Rocks Park, located near the Narvon Clay Mine, spans over 300 acres of woodland in the Welsh Mountains of eastern Lancaster County.
The pride of the park is a rocky spine of boulders called “Money Rocks”, so-named because farmers in the Pequea Valley allegedly hid cash among the rocks.The ridge offers beautiful views of farmland, towns, and distant wooded hills.
Cockscomb is another appropriately named outcropping of rocks a bit farther along the ridge. In the winter, the view from this precipice is equal to that of Money Rocks.These lines of boulders are spectacular. The rocks are patched with lichens, mosses and ferns. Black birch trees dominate the surrounding woodland with a thick understory of mountain laurel, Pennsylvania’s state flower. Ruffed grouse, the state bird, also lives here.
The Welsh Mountains harbor the second-most continuous forest left in Lancaster County, superseded only by Furnace Hills. Money Rocks Park preserves a nice part of that forest, which is in various stages of natural plant succession. A network of mining and logging dirt roads makes much of this wooded park accessible to nature lovers.
There are a few of the pictures that I took
I just wanted to wish Julie a very happy birthday
Hope that it is a wonderful one.
(If you are one of her friends go wish her a wonderful birthday…she is on friend lock I believe. If you are not one of her friends feel free to wish her one on here.)
There Were One Point Five Million Anne Franks
Children of the Holocaust Tribute – to all 1.5 million Jewish children slaughtered by the Nazis – What excuse would you have for murdering children? Hanging them on pruning hooks? Playing soccer ball with sculls? Making lamp shades out of their flesh?