August 26, 2010
Straight answers to gay questions
Now a few questions that I am forced to ask my readers.
If I would say I was a lesbian would you unsubscribe?
If I would say I was transsexual would you unsubscribe?
If I said I was pan-sexual would you unsubscribe?
If I said I was poly-sexual would you unsubscribe?
If I said I was bisexual would you unsubscribe?What does my sexuality have to do with anything?
Comments (163)
Are you gay?
@letseewhatthiswilldo - I am a happily married mother of three children
Good. I knew that actually, just surprised a little about the homosexual perspective. (Not that I prefer hatred)
@letseewhatthiswilldo - Why? What would have been your response if I had said I was a lesbian? Would you have unsubscribed?
If I would say I was transsexual would you unsubscribe?
If I said I was pan-sexual would you unsubscribe?
If I said I was polysexual would you unsubscribe?
If I said I was bisexual would you unsubscribe?
What does my sexuality have to do with anything?
I subscribe to people based on what they have to say – if it’s interesting to me. I don’t like trashy stuff.
I would have felt bad for the children that were going to be ripped apart in the boundary stones being removed MJ.
Probably not. Your sexuality is your deal. As long as it’s not waved into my face like mainstream media likes to do, I won’t care. I should add that hypothetically if your posts were only about homosexuality, I probably would unsubscribe because that’s not why I subscribed to your page. I subscribed because your posts usually have substance.
It doesn’t have anything to do with anything at all, as far as I’m concerned.
“If I would say I was a lesbian would you unsubscribe?
If I would say I was transsexual would you unsubscribe?
If I said I was pan-sexual would you unsubscribe?
If I said I was poly-sexual would you unsubscribe?
If I said I was bisexual would you unsubscribe?”
My answer is NO to all questions. It doesn’t matter, at all.
I wouldn’t unsubscribe for any of those reasons, but I probably would if all you’d talk about was gay and other such issues.
Love the vlog.
&& a definite no to all your questions.
i don’t think i actually know anything much about the sexuality of the xangan i’m friend with or subscribe to… so usually it doesn’t have that much impact on me…
p.s; I don’t even know what those words (transsexual etc) to be honest, haha
I wouldn’t subscribe or unsubscribe because of your sexuality. However, if your site started to be all about your sexuality, I would probably unsubscribe, because I am not interested in reading that all the time.
You can be anything you want to be. I have gay and lesbians friend and relatives. My parents are divorced and remarried. I saw the light while I was in a coma after a car accident. Nothing surprises me anymore. Some people don’t realise how short and precious life is.
@radicalramblings - @zionlover - My site will never be dedicated to just one subject. Never has, never will be
No. It does not. Not in the slightest.
@Aaliyaan - ”I subscribed because your posts usually have substance.”
Thanks. I love reading your posts too. Hope you and your wife are both taking plenty of time to rest even though you both have busy lives.
It doesn’t matter to me one way or the other what you are (gay, straight..bla bla…). You could even write about it all the time and I have the choice not to read, but I wouldn’t unsubscribe. That’s not me.
@SerenaDante - I figured you would say that
Well, I am not a regular reader here (but might be after this) so I wouldn’t unsubscribe. But I wouldn’t unsubscribe for any of those reasons anyway. If you knew I was gay (I am) would you subscribe?
I don’t talk only about my sexuality on my xanga, it gets a mention here and there, mostly I talk about life, faith, and family…just like anyone else. My sexuality is a small part of me.
Nope. nope. nope.
It doesn’t in he slightest bit matter to me what your sexuality is. I would never unsubscribe because of those reasons!

I’ll be honest though, if you were some sort of creeper that kept telling me/harassing me and just plain creepin’ up on me about it, then I probably would.Buuuuuut, you never do that so you’re fine!!
@myfanwe - Yeah, I never thought that it was a big deal about what people were sexually until I started speaking out in support of Same-sex marriage and started getting many messages “Are you a lesbian?” “I thought you were married why are you writing this” etc.
I have had people unsub because of what they are scared of what my sexual preference might be, and I have never said publicly on my blog what I am or am not.
It doesn’t matter to me at all. In fact, I refuse to befriend homophobes.
No, I would definitely not unsubscribe for any of those reasons. You are precious, sister — your sexuality would not matter regarding our friendship/family.
Btw, what is pan-sexual? Jw.
I wouldn’t unsubscribe for any of those reasons.
The other thing that should matter is the kind of person you are inside. If I think you’re a good person and then I wouldn’t unsubscribe. If I think you’re a bad apple..then I would. Sexuality is only one way to define a person. Not the entire way.
My answer to all of your questions is, of course not…
But, if I were to believe that homosexuality, trans-sexuality, poly-sexuality, pan-sexuality, and bisexuality were sinful, would you unsubscribe me?
If I would say I was a lesbian would you unsubscribe? No
If I would say I was transsexual would you unsubscribe? No
If I said I was pan-sexual would you unsubscribe? No
If I said I was poly-sexual would you unsubscribe? No
If I said I was bisexual would you unsubscribe? No
Your sexuality is really not going to change whether I am subscribed to you or not. I have enjoyed some of the issues you have raised in the past and enjoyed reading some of your views. They do not always concur with my own but that is why it is interesting. Sexual orientation is really a personal matter and as long as you respect me and my sexual orientation I can not see why it should even be a consideration for subscription. I prefer to know you for who you are rather than for whom you pretend to be.
It has to do with marriage and family. The natural order is male-female complementarity which forms the core of family. Family nurtures children who are born from the sexual union of a man and woman united in love and marriage.
Sexual complimentary is not possible with homosexuality. Consequently, gay marriage is an absurdity.
Would I unsubscribe? No.
Would I be sad? YES. Because I sub’d to you and respect you for your religious views… weren’t we all debating hair covering a couple of months ago?
Your sexuality doesn’t affect my interest in you, or feelings of friendliness towards you… but it does affect other things.
You asked.
Not being a regular reader here, I can’t say I would unsubscribe. But it’s not different for any other blog. I would never unsubscribe from someone because of their orientation. I do not understand why someone’s sexuality is so important to random people on Xanga that they’ve never met in real life and probably never will meet in real life.
Well you know I definitely don’t mind anyone’s sexuality lol. But I agree. I don’t get all lovely in public, I just hold my girlfriend’s hand. If I’m not flaunting it in your face, it shouldn’t matter. But then again, I don’t think straight couples should be able to sit there and play tonsil hockey in public when we’re not, but whatever I suppose. We probably won’t change that.
@LoBornlytesThoughtPalace – Did you seriously just say that gay marriage is an “absurdity?” That’s not fair. I’m not Christian. I’m not Catholic. I don’t follow the same “natural laws” that you do. I practice buddhism. So beause of the religion IIIIIIIIII follow, are you going to say that I’m absurd for that too?
@YouTOme -
I am not a regular reader but might be after this!
I would never un-sub anyone because of their orientation. If anything, I
would actually subscribe to them because of it, to be quite frank. I would read their
blogs and take interest in what they have to say. I am bisexual and
started this blog for the purpose of expressing that (and issues related
to it) and reaching out to, and making friends with, other non-heterosexual people.
I would, however, unsub you if you called my sexuality an abomination, sinful or anything along those lines. I do not believe that it is a sin. I believe I was created this way for a reason and that God does not make mistakes. If you disagree with me, so be it. I’ll never bash you for disagreeing with me. I will, however, strike back if you strike at me.
I’m not subscribed to you, but I think I will be doing so now. I think that answers your questions..
I wouldn’t unsubscribe from you, because of your sexuality. It has nothing to do with anything.
@YouTOme - Pansexuality is aesthetic attraction, romantic love or sexual desire toward all people, regardless of gender identity or biological sex. Generally the gender/sex of a person is not important in whether they will be attracted to them or not. Basically, pansexuality skips the gender binaries of bisexuality.
(paraphrased from Wikipedia)
If you were a Christian struggling with the sin of homosexuality I certainly wouldn’t, but if you continued to support and even encourage others to sin then the answer would be yes.
@Giantofdespair - well, then I guess I can say Bye-bye to you because
1. I have never started my sexuality on my blog
2. I support same sex marriage which seems to be the thing you seem to be saying you have a problem with
3. I have many LGBT friends who I love and support.
So I guess you will be unsubscribing.
Have a nice life
No to all your questions, but I am a little confused…are you still a Christian? You seem to have removed that bit of info from your profile, and why don’t you cover your head anymore? For the people who subscribed because of your unique Judeo-Christian blogs, could you please give them an explanation?
To answer your questions in order:
and nothing to me, but it matters a bit to you and your partner : )
Your sexuality makes no difference to me. Other things might. Who knows? But not that.
@sarahzthoughts - To answer question #1…My blog never said I was a Christian. At one point it said follower of Hashem. At one point it said follower of Adonai. It also at one point said believer. It never said christian. I don’t mind people calling themselves christians I just tend to shy away from that word because so many “christians” have given that word a bad name.
I just wanted to clear that up.
If you are asking do I still believe in God and Jesus/Yeshua and all that. Then the answer is a resounding YES. I also attend church most weeks. We are attending a wonderful United Church of Christ church that we think is wonderful.
Not sure what type of explanation you are asking for? I still post my scripture blogs. I actually spent the past 2 years going through the Torah. I am not sure where in the scriptures I am going to go next.
@agnophilo - aww
no problems there…. my partner loves me for me and I love my partner.
And I knew you don’t care. but thanks for letting me know anyway
Have a great weekend.
I really liked this. Even if I was straight, my answer to all those questions would still be NO!
stay strong sista<3
@Kristenmomof3 - I just meant an explanation on whether you still believed. And by “Christian” I meant follower of Yeshua. I understand your feelings about that label but I didn’t want to say “Messianic Jew” because that’s a label I can’t stand…so yeah, that’s all I wanted to know. Still curious about the lack of head covering, though.
@Kristenmomof3 - I don’t think they unsubbed because of what you might be – I think they unsubbed because they don’t agree with your political opinion and that makes them feel threatened. It happens to me all the time.
No to all.
@Kristenmomof3 - I know you and barry are happy n’ all, I was just speaking generally : )
Absolutely nothing. If you were any of those things mentioned about I honestly could care less. It is what it is, you are who you are
Great post!
I don’t care who you love or are intimate with. I get very frustrated with those that tell people who are gay or lesbian that they are going to hell because of their sexuality. The only reason a person goes to hell is because they aren’t saved. Some of my best friends are gay men.
That said, I have to say like Wendi. I don’t read your posts to read about any type of sexuality.
No I wouldn’t unsubscribe, I’m gay, was bisexual, so it doesnt bother me.
No I would not unsub from someone who I have enjoyed reading because of their sexual preferences. I do nto want to hear about it in detail and that doesn’t matter if they are straight or gay. That is the beauty of the world, we are all different and interesting people.
Doesn’t bother me.
Nah, I wouldn’t unsubscribe for any of those reasons. Asking what it has to do with anything – I would say who you’re attracted to is a part of who you are, but at the same time being attracted to women is part of who I am.
@agnophilo - :)
No, no, no, no and no! You are who you are! And if people can’t accept who you are, forget them. You can do better
@Aaliyaan - I’m sorry. I have to respond to this mainstream media thing. Do you know how straight centric the media is? No, you have no idea. Turn on the television, watch a commercial. Kay jewelry, straight couple. Next commercial. Glade plug in. Ring on finger, straight marriage. Next commercial: Charcoal. BBQing family – straight with children. Next commercial: movie trailer for Salt. Yep, Angelina definitely a straight woman all over her man. Here comes your TV show. Pick a show, any show. 9 times out of 10 it will be….*drumroll* straight folk.
Do not take this the wrong way, I loooove me some straight peeps. But when anyone says that gays are “infiltrating” and “taking over” the media they are dead wrong. Sorry! The ONE time a commercial was just a little bit gay – (it was a McDonald’s commercial aired in France, where the son was sitting down for lunch with his father and mentioned his boy friend…that’s it…no kiss, no touching, no affection whatsoever) our entire nation went apeshit.
I’m just curious how you think mainstream media likes to wave it in faces? What if I say that mainstream media likes to wave straight couples in my face?
I love your site. I love your hair. I love that you included pansexuals! Can’t wait to read your future posts!
@YouTOme - Yay pansexuals! I am a pansexual. I used to identify as bisexual, but felt the term was too restricting. I fall in love with a person, not an organ. I have the ability to love men, women, and everything in between….you could say I’m gender blind. “Bi” in bisexual also implies that there are only two genders – male and female. In actualilty there are many more. Male to female, female to male, genderqueer, androgynous persons, intersex, those who are in the middle of their transition, etc. It’s not so black and white, you know? I’m an open kind of gal. No discriminating here. I love you for who you are inside.
Hope this helps.
I honestly don’t know. I am against homosexuality, not as a person but the act. But if the latter is made constant mention of I would rather not have it in my inbox. I guess it depends on the concentration of it, which would be really arbitrary. There are several people who friend me but never comment and their blog is, no offense to them, completely lackluster. If that was the case I would eventually de-friend and unsubscribe anyway. For someone who is homosexual and showing it, it probably wouldn’t take as much to get to that point.
How can I explain? It’s not my problem with the person or some sign of double standard. Islamically the act is wrong, my heart would nudge, I would not be able to tell this person more than once really my stance. There is nothing interesting to me about that in and of itself or to really benefit from. Doesn’t make any sense to keep myself exposed to only that, you know?
I wouldnt have unsubscribed because of any of those.
I would unsubscribe if you went into detail about your love life (straight or otherwise). Some things are meant to be kept private I dont want to know every move that was made last night or in the shower or on the kitchen counter.
…are you GAY?! But…but…if you’re gay, and I read your blog, that makes ME gay! Ahhhhhh! Unsubscribe! Unsubscribeunsubscribeunsubscribe!! Fuck! Somebody get me a beer and a Playboy magazine!
@AncoraImparo - Perhaps you don’t realize, homosexuality in the media is on the rise. Most sitcoms, shows, etc. have at least one gay character not to mention entire shows about gay people, so I don’t really know where your 9 out of 10 thing came from. I’m not saying it has completely taken over. In fact I never said that, but yes, it’s always in your face. News, shows, etc….to deny that homosexuality in these mediums is not growing in the “in your faceness” is a fallacy.
Our opinions will not agree but the facts are facts.
Your sexual orientation has no effect on whether I would friend you or defriend you
I go to Gay Clubs and have a lot of gay friends. I’ve been to the Gay Pride Parade here in Boston a few times too. So Rock on!
@AncoraImparo - Thanks for defining pan-sexual…I was unsure of that one! Thanks for the clarification
@IcanBbetter - Hey no problem! Kind of jealous you hit up Boston Pride…
Yeah it was a blast! the best part about Pride is that people can just be themselves. I have never felt more myself then at Pride and the clubs
No, not any more than I would refuse to speak to, listen to, or be friendly to any such person. If I would unsubscribe from everyone I don’t see quite eye-to-eye with, I’d probably be subscribed to no one.
The only reason I would unsubscribe someone is if they would post obscene or disturbing things on a regular basis. or if their posts consistently bored me.
A lot of people on social networking are not who they say they are, or are something they say they are not, so unsubscribing someone based on who or what they claim to be seems a little pointless, anyway.
I absolutely love you. I love your personality, and your perspective totally jives with mine. No, I would absolutely not unsubscribe because your sexuality isn’t really any of my business. It’s a part of you and what makes you who you are. I can’t wait to see more from you!
Oh, wait. I mean… no.
You are a brave, bold, person, and I think I should sub to you because of that. And in answer to your question, no. It wouldn’t matter at all. If you identified with any of those things, I would hope you were very proud of that identity and would be willing to share it with the world to help overcome bigotry and fear with your shining personality.
Two of my friends went to St. Louis PRIDE! It looked awesome.
I am a long time xangan and have recently started a new blog under this name to tell my story…one I had not been able to share on my previous site. I listened to your vlog and then, as most do, began reading the comments. You are an amazing person to share your story so openly and intelligently. Religious views hold no context to how you have always felt in your heart. I am not bashing religion–I have my beliefs as well. But I think you are an incredibly strong woman to share yourself in the way you have. I will be subbing, regardless of any future posts on sexuality
As a pansexual, a person’s sexuality definitely has nothing to do with why I’d subscribe/unsubscribe. Awesome entry
your sexual orientation matters to me only in that, I’m curious to hear from people from all different perspectives as I seek to understand this….thing…we call human sexuality.
I wouldn’t unsubscribe but I do believe our sexuality matters to everyone. I believe every aspect of our lives matters; and not only matters to ourselves and those who we deem it to matter to but rather to everyone. If we, as Christians, are the salt and light of the world then our sexuality can’t be divorced from that. Our sexuality is a part of who we are and who we are is the salt and light. Lauren Winner writes about this quite well in her book Real Sex. A good book.
Ditto the ‘no’s'…it is none of my business what you do in the bedroom and with who… or is that ‘whom’?
I might subconsciously give homosexuals (and others of a queer nature) a little more respect because of the trials they shouldn’t have to go through but must anyway because of our society.
I would, yes, because you claim to be a Christian. If you claim to be a Christian and are promoting a sinful lifestyle as defined by the Bible, I would say that has a LOT to do with, well…everything.
The fact that you’re a gay man has no influence on whether or not I would subscribe to you. You seem like a decent guy and as long as you talked about more than just your life as a gay man, I think you would be interesting. Good post.
I’ve noticed such a change in you and your blogs in the last few months. It’s intriguing to me as I’ve gone through many changes myself. I’m still just really curious about what happened? Especially with the hair covering. It seemed to be something you were so passionate about and now seem to have abandoned.
I should make clear- I in no way object to any of the changes you’ve seem to have made. I support same sex marriage. I don’t think homosexuality is wrong. It’s just a genuine curiosity about what brought about the changes, since I’ve gone through some of the same myself.
I think that’s what someone else meant when they were wanting an explanation. Not because you have anything to defend- you certainly don’t. For me at least, it’s really wanting to understand better where you were, what you’ve gone through and how you got here…wherever here is.
I suppose my answer depends on what on earth poly-sexual means.
I’m fine with the rest, I just have no freaking idea what “poly-sexual” entails.
If I told you that I have a foot fetish would you block me???? ?????

Actually, I do subscribe to you already, as WatchingLesbians. My bad, perhaps…
No but seriously, this is a good thing, because I had the impression that you are pro-Israel. If you are pro GBLT rights, AND pro-Israel, that is a good thing because there is this STEREOTYPE about the quote unquote New Left as stereotypically abandoning Israel out of (1, 2, 3, 4) Po-Li-Ti-Cal Cor-Rect-NESS!!!
The stereotype is lame and I for one and sick & tired of it.
i am happy to read your posts no matter what
@Kristenmomof3 - Not at this time. I use to enjoy reading some of your post.
What your sexual preference is is no concern of mine nor would it bother me. That’s your decision and it’s not my place to judge.
I wouldn’t unsubscribe I am not that kind of person, I have a big heart, who am i to judge anyone, but if you claim to be christian i mean i think that is a sin to be interested in the same sex. But no i wouldnt unsubscribe, I just probably wouldn’t read the post
@Kristenmomof3 - That doesn’t mean you’re not gay.
@gottobereal64 - I was pretty sure I was bi for a very long time and I’m still not completely clear on that.
no, i wouldn’t unsubscribe. it doesn’t matter to me.
No to all.
your sexuality is a building block of your entire being, like a puzzle piece. pieces make a puzzle complete, and while without one piece, a puzzle isn’t right, one piece doesn’t define the picture. it’s part of you. not YOU. for the life of me, i don’t understand people who get up in arms over something that essentially doesn’t affect them. never be apologetic about you. dr. suess said it best – be who you are and say what you feel. those that matter don’t mind, and those that mind don’t matter.
in short – no
i wouldn’t unsubscribe. but you have just gained a new follower.
This is a great video! No, none of those things would make me stop visiting your site or make me unsubscribe.
I don’t care if you are gay, straight, bisexual or transgender. It is God’s place to judge, not mine. And Jesus didn’t teach me to hate homosexuals. In fact, He told me to love them. I’m starting to believe He put different types of people because he wants to see if we WILL love them. Besides… where does it say in the Bible that it is UNFORGIVABLE?! The only unforgivable sin I know of is blasphemy. Not homosexuality. Seems like most Christians are failing to do what God has told us to do… love EVERYBODY. Saints and sinners included. -sigh-
-hugs tight- I’m glad you’re standing up and supporting same-sex marriage.
We need more people like this.
I listened to the video. I do not know what your sexual orientation is. I was confused at the end of it. Sorry ,
I heard nothing that would cause me to unsubscribe.
I might. I am with my friends “radicalramblings” and “zionlover”: I would not unsubscribe if you self-identified as a sexual deviated person (not following the “norm”), unless the sexual issue was the only thing you would discuss. I don’t care to deal with the constant drama that some seem to want. There IS something strange about wanting to discuss a person’s own sexuality all the time.
I watched the video: Is it possible that she is NOT actually female? She looks like a guy, dresses like a guy, acted like a guy. Only her voice and the fact she was raised as female say outwardly that she is a female.
I’m afraid Kristin that this is one issue on which I will not compromise. A fellow believer defending the deviant lifestyle of pansexuality, homosexuality, group sex, and other deviations, as being normal, would not be my closest of friends.
I’m confused…why would this matter? Do you have anyone in mind who is dealing with this issue or is it you?
I have family who is trans-gender so this is a non-issue for me. Does that help?
@AncoraImparo - Thanks for that! I’ve always labeled myself “bisexual”, but always stated that for me it meant I loved a person for who they are, not what reproductive organs they have, so I am changing my lable to “pansexual”, it fits much better.
I wouldn’t unsubscribe to you for any of those reasons. Wait. Is this a test?
@pb49r - I’ve followed The Beaver Bunch for years, AJ is def female. She’s whatcha call a butch lesbian ;]
@Kristenmomof3 - I wouldn’t unsubscribe for any of these reasons! Blog strong!
@barely_blinking - I love The Beaver Bunch
I wouldn’t delete you, just think that your kinda wack
Doesn’t matter in the least to me deary. I am a bisexual lady myself and it would just break my heart if people refused to associate with me because of that. That’s just plain STUPID and ignorant.
I think your awesome no matter what your sexuality is. I never understood why people judge others =)
No. Sexuality doesn’t make a difference. Whether you love a man or a women or a dog or an apple, it’s still love no matter what.
love that video. i certainly will share it.
Thank-You for posting this.
@Kristenmomof3 - right? they are amazing! I have an internet crush on Kade
it doesnt matter to me. you are very cool. i myself are bi-curious so i would have reason to unsubscribe to you
What you do between the sheets is not my concern. I would not unsubscribe for any of those reasons.
I would say it doesn’t matter in the slightest what anyone’s sexuality is, nor does their gender matter, nor their religion, nor their “race”, ethnicity, nor any other label society puts on people because in the grand scheme of things we all are just human!
Well, I suppose you could still be gay and married, but it doesn’t matter to me. This is the first time (I think) I’ve checked out your site. The title caught my eye simply bc someone very close to me came out a few months ago. It makes no difference to me what sex my family, friends or acquaintances are attracted to. I’m put off by sour and negative personality.
I never heard of poly or pan sexual before. Had to google it. Guess you learn something new every day…
Nope to all those… The guy I took the place for at my store (he got promoted) is gay and is a great friend of mine.
Nope. Be who you want to be. Be with who you want to be. Respect yourself at the end of the day, not worry about people respecting you,
It has nothing to do with anything; you are just a friend. I do wonder how this is reconciled with your Religious orientation.
You’re straight: OMG YOU ARE AWESOME!
You’re gay- OMG YOU ARE AWESOME, theres just another fact about you.
Sexuality doesn’t change anything.
I wouldn’t unsubscribe “just” because
of your sexuality. If your sexuality (homo, hetero, whatever-o) was all you ever wrote about… well, I’d get bored and unsubscribe…
@YouTOme - I don’t believe that it’s anything like pantheistic!!
I wouldn’t unsubscribe.
I may disagree with some viewpoints that people may write, but that doesn’t mean I disrespect them or omit their thoughts/beliefs.
You have a right to believe what you want to believe…and so do I.
Finding common ground is paramount to addressing issues appropriately.
Good questions.
i probably might have asked out of curiosity, but my opinion of you wouldn’t change because of your response, no matter which way you lean toward.
The heart wants what the heart wants & no one should be judged for that.
@amateurprose - She’s a woman, in case you didn’t realize by her actual username…
@then_you_stand - the root “poly” means many. The root “pan” means all. So,
A pansexual in terms of sexual orientation, is
someone with the capacity to be attracted to someone regardless of
their sex, including those who may be transgendered/transsexual/gender queer/intersex/mid- transition/androgynous/etc.
A polysexual in terms of sexual orientation, is
someone with the capacity to be attracted to many genders, but not
necessarily all of them.
I guess there is a slight difference.
nope, as long as you are not a criminal or don’t have really bad personal hygiene…
@AncoraImparo - still confused as hell, but eh. Idc, I love ya’ll anyway, not matter who you like to have sex with. Lol.
@SerenaDante - @Kristenmomof3 - I was exhausted when I read this the first time. Also I only watched a small bit of the video. It was an idiotic mistake. She is clearly a woman. I feel like a tool.
Nah, I subscribe because of the content.
Everything else is moot.
@AncoraImparo - thank you for taking the time to give that clarification. =)
@Stanelle - okay. thanks
ps! i love your new hair color, Kristen!
not sure if i had remarked on it yet or not.
No,im not judgemental people that are are narrowminded:)
@YouTOme - thanks. I love it. It is perfectly Purple
no to all the questions.
Dear Kristen,
I’m at work so cannot watch the video. I rarely watch anything on people’s blogs they did not create themselves.
To answer your question, I’ve had a number of gay friends, and even one roommate, throughout my life, and probably 5 or 6 of my blog readers are gay, and I’ve experimented with bisexuality, so it certainly doesn’t matter to me.
Guess your message worked. You’re up to #2 on Top blogs this morning!
Michael F. Nyiri, poet, philosopher, fool
the only reason i sub or unsub has to do w/ what i want to read
I probably wouldn’t spend much time here if you were any of the above, at least not if you talked about it, because I tend to not go to sites where people are obsessed with their sexuality. In fact, I didn’t click on this entry for a long time because I really didn’t think the topic sounded interesting. However, if you talk about things that interest me, it wouldn’t make much difference. I browse my subs and only read the very top few most interesting ones, so I rarely get around to those about sex. I only came to this entry because you sent the private message asking me to. And I confess I only listened to a little bit of the video, so if there was something really deep in there at the end, I missed it.
As for that last question, your sexuality has absolutely nothing to do with me, but it may have everything to do with your relationship with God. At least, that’s how I see it.
I, for one, would not unsubscribe for my of those reasons. I subscribe to people’s sites because I am interested in what they have to say. I agree with most of the people above, your sexuality does not matter to me, nor should it. We are free to be ourselves, and as Dr. Seuss once said “Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.” I couldn’t agree more.
If your posts all were about your sexuality, I would unsubscribe. Even if someone was heterosexual, etc I would unsubscribe if that was all they talked about.
I am pretty new to Xanga, and this is the first post of yours i have read. I think it would be rather hypocritical of me to criticize anyone based on their sexual orientation, considering I am dating a lesbian. I like how frank this post is, and I am going to follow you I think.
No to all questions. I don’t give a sh*t what you’re sexual orientation is. I don’t care what anyone’s sexual orientation is. Love is love. It doesn’t change the person. I know quite a few people that aren’t straight that are fantastic people, and I know plenty of straight people that are terrible people. I also know a few non-straight people that are obnoxious as all hell and some very very great straight people. Sexual orientation doesn’t have anything to do with what people have to say or the quality of their character. People who judge and select friends and subscriptions and whatever else based on sexual orientation alone lead sad, hate-filled lives.
It should not matter whether a person is homosexual, straight, bisexual, transexual, bestial, pansexual, pedophile, polysexual, or whatever, The accomplishments of an individual and the substance of his/her achievements is paramount. As MLK said, what counts is content of character.
Your sexuality has no barring on why I read your post. So, far I enjoy reading your posts. If you said that you bi-sexual, asexual, polysexual, transexual, straight, pan-sexual, cross dresser, lesbian, gay, or whatever. I would still read you.
You do know Homosexuality is a sin right?
@Mighty_Men_of_Valor -
@Kristenmomof3 - Does not change what it says in the Bible about Homosexuality. It is a sin no matter what your spin is on it.
@Mighty_Men_of_Valor - that’s your opinion and spin on it. You are entitled to your opinion
The answer to all of these questions is no. A person’s sexuality does not matter to me at all, never has, never will.
@Kristenmomof3 - Not my spin, It is Gods
@Mighty_Men_of_Valor - no, it is your spin on what you believe that the bible says. That doesn’t make it the truth. It makes it what you believe that the Bible says and what you believe it to say and be true.
My answer is “no” to all of the above, in fact, that’s part of the reason I subscribed!
you used to be so against people using bad language, and even said you’d delete a comment if someone used it I’m surprised you’d share something where someone says the “F” word.
Well, I’m not subscribed to you, but if I were I would not base my decision to sub/unsub based on your sexuality, with this exception: knowing that you are married to a man, clearly if you were to begin describing your sexual activity with a woman, I would have to conclude that you were violating your marriage vows, and, yes, I believe that would cause me to block your writing from what I am exposed to.
I will anger many with what I say, but I personally do not care, I am going to shoot a streight answer. I honestly do not care either way. American is a nation founded on the concept of freedome and a right to live your life with out the threat of government interferance. What you do at your home is none of my concern. I do not believe in PDA, I do not mind holding hands and such, but I don’t want to see a guy and a girl making out or all over each other and I don’t want to see two girls or two guys all over each other. I believe that people need to stop worrying so much about how others live there lives. So the answer is no, I rate you on the content of your character and how you live your life, you are an honest person who writes inspirering and interesting posts, so I would not unsubscribe. Your sexuality does not affect my life, I still go to work, have a family and friends and live a happy life. I
@Kristenmomof3 - I have learned that that means little today. G/L/Bi/etc can be “happily married” people as well, even if it’s opposite to what they are at the core of their being.
*hugs* Regardless to anyone’s gender-preference, I subscribe based on if I find what I read on your site interesting and care for you. So, people have little to worry about there with me. I may not agree with said people’s lifestyles… but ask any of my “other-sexual” (to cover the whole field) friends, and they can attest to the fact that I love my friends because they’re my friends, regardless to anything else about them.
I’d have to say I agree with SerenaDante on that one. It has nothing, as far as I know, with how I view people.
People are just that to me — people. If I like you, I have my reasons. If I don’t, again, I have my reasons. That, however, will never find it’s way into my listing of reasons on either side of the coin. n_n
~*Akarui Mitsukai*~
@Kristenmomof3 - Really? Wow. I could only imagine unsubing for such reasons from someone if they became just rude in their manner of “support”, you know? Anywho.
While we may have a difference of opinion, I like how you have expressed yourself in the past. I can simply hope it continues for in the future.
And you may find this funny, but I could have SWORN I was already sub’d to you! I have so many friends that rec. your blogs and catch you on the front page sometimes, that I guess I just assumed I was sub’d to you. haha. Now, I’m officially subscribed… I think. haha!
<3, ~*Akarui Mitsukai*~
@akarui_mitsukai - well, thank you for subscribing
Yes – It matters to me in that I don’t want to see anyone in eternal separation from Jesus Christ….
Yes, insomuch that giving into homosexuality means people will be eternally separated from Jesus Christ…
Interesting Video. Who has to “try” to be straight? Curious….
I wouldn’t unsubscribe, but I don’t believe that God condones homosexuality and same-sex marriages. The Bible is very clear on this. However, I have lesbian and gay friends…because I love who they are. I don’t agree with their lifestyle or choices, but they’re my friends. Jesus died for them and me too. He didn’t go to the cross and say I’m going to die for the perfect…He did the opposite and died for the imperfect, the sinner…me.
@AncoraImparo - Agreed!
No to all your questions.
A persons sexuality has no decisive influence on me in any way.
Abuse and hatred are the only things I don’t tolerate.
If I would say I was a lesbian would you unsubscribe? No
If I would say I was transsexual would you unsubscribe? No
If I said I was pan-sexual would you unsubscribe? Don’t know what that is. lol
If I said I was poly-sexual would you unsubscribe? What? lol
If I said I was bisexual would you unsubscribe? No.
The only way I would no be your friend is if you’re trying to hurt me or my family. I like people for their personality. I have a few gay friends as well as gay family memebers. Being gay doesn’t make you less of a person/ friend. All I say is when people are with me, “just be yourself.”
Good job on the video!
NO! What does your sexual orientation have to do with anything??? And .. um … what’s a pan-sexual?
You know, because I have a large brood, I am asked outrageous (and sometimes very rude, personal) questions too. People fear what they don’t understand. Once, at work a woman found out I had more than four children and remarked, “If I had that many kids, I’d kill myself.” My eldest daughter, who just happened to be working next to her answered, “If you were my mom, I’d kill MYself.” So, will you unsubscribe from me just because I have lots of children? Because their births span 25 years? How about because my youngest is autistic and not “normal”? Because I like cats? Because I’m currently unemployed? It all means the same to me. I don’t read your blog because you’re gay; I won’t stop reading your blog because you’re gay. And now I will shut up.