March 28, 2011
When someone says
When someone says, “…please don’t take this the wrong way, but…” Prepare to be judged by someone who wishes to judge you, but doesn’t want to feel like an ass about it
I have had two people tell me this week that they can no longer be my friend. One told me that because I will not support his homophobia. To bad dude. Have a nice life. The second one told me that because the person claims “I have changed” and that they feel sorry for me. And I have to say that if all people who believe like you act like that….then really why would I want to be like you?
I am happy being me. If you don’t like that
Have a nice life!
Comments (12)
Weird. You’ve been pretty darn consistent for the four months or so that I’ve been reading your blog…
When did you change? More importantly, WHAT did you change? ‘Cause I appear to be oblivious.
@Automaton_Emotion - I have been very consistent. The first person to get mad got mad at this
The second person is very very anti abortion and got pissed off because I do not believe that Planned Parenthood should be defunded. The person doesn’t seem to understand that Planned Parenthood cares for low-income women and the government funding doesn’t pay for abortions. That person “feels sorry for me” because I believe in Science and is “concerned for my soul.” They even wrote a xanga post about me. I find that really funny.
If someone doesn’t like who you are, it’s usually a reflection of something within themselves. Glad you’re not taking it personally. I used to get very upset when someone didn’t want to be a friend, but now I really don’t care. Their loss.
You homophobephobe.
I think the word homophob is thrown around way too much.
@GodlessLiberal - lol
i agree. in the biblical vernacular, i am glad you are “shaking the dust off your feet” .
people wrote blogs about you? wow. well, way for them to do everything the Bible tells people not to do when a person is having a disagreement with a friend; disassociate with them hastily, make it public, separate friends via public gossip etc.
yeah, i would say i’d be glad that association was over.
If I only had friends who agree with me about everything, I’d have damned few of them, and a boring life to be sure! I thank God very much for the many friends I have who can disagree with me amicably and agreeably. You are probably one of them. We just haven’t disagreed openly about anything yet.
Support Homophobia? That seems like an odd concept, or maybe just a bad choice of words. Either you agree or disagree, and most people can agree to disagree. That’s nonsense.
@onjerusalemhill - Bring up a topic.
We can find something I am sure
@thegirlwiththecamera - yup, most can.
It may sound like odd wording but it is what it is. The person hates LGBT lifestyle and has stopped the friendship because I have no problem with LGBTQ being part of that group myself
You are who you are, you are what you are, that is fine with me. I won’t change for anyone…because I am what I am…Remember Popeye? I think we should take a few lessons from him.