June 21, 2011

  • Shame of America: Desperate Man Robs Store for One Dollar in Order to Go to Jail to Get Health Cover


    James Richard Verone of North Carolina spent his whole life playing by the rules and staying out of trouble. Having worked as a delivery man for Coca Cola for 17 years, Verone was known as a hard worker and honest man.

    Yet when he was laid off from Coca Cola three years ago, Verone was desperate to find work. He eventually found employment as a convenience clerk, yet he began to notice a protrusion in his chest. He developed arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome, and soon the pain became too much for him to bear. He filed for disability, but he was denied any sort of coverage by the federal government.

    So earlier this month, Verone drove to a local RBC Bank and told the teller he was robbing them for a dollar. He said he wanted to rob the bank in order to go to jail and get medical coverage:

    Verone didn’t want to scare anyone. He executed the robbery the most passive way he knew how. He handed the teller a note demanding one dollar, and medical attention. “I didn’t have any fears,” said Verone. “I told the teller that I would sit over here and wait for police.” [...]

    Verone says he’s not a political man. But he has a lot to say on the subject of socialized medical care. He suspects he wouldn’t be talking to a reporter through a metal screen wearing an orange jumpsuit if such an option were available in the U.S. “If you don’t have your health you don’t have anything,” said Verone. The man has high hopes with his recent incarceration. He has seen several nurses and has an appointment with a doctor Friday.The ideal scenario would include back and foot surgery and a diagnosis and treatment of the protrusion on his chest, he said.

    Verone told the local press he would like to serve in prison long enough to be able to get out in time to collect Social Security benefits that he paid into his entire life. He also hopes to be able to retire along a beach some day. Verone says that he doesn’t regret landing behind bars and that he had no choice. Between continuing a life in pain and choosing prison, he is happy with his decision. “If I had not exercised all the alternatives I would be sitting here saying, ‘Man I feel bad about it,’” he said. “I picked jail.” The United States is the only wealthy country that does not offer comprehensive universal health care to every citizen; in no other rich country would anyone be faced with such a choice.

    By Zaid Jilani | Sourced from ThinkProgress


Comments (78)

  • I have considered this option myself ….

  • There’s the ofttimes quoted thing to show how wicked Scrooge was.

    Charitable Man 1:  ”…it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the poor and destitute”. 
    Scrooge:  ”Are there no prisons?”

  • Next time one of the holy rollers on here proclaiming we are a Xtian Nation and all that jazz, I will link them to this and say….yea, we are and it is unfortunate.

  • Well, maybe he should have moved to Canada then…or gotten a second job?  Though I will say it’s sad that my tax dollars are paying for the health of criminals while my family and I cannot afford it for ourselves.

  • @firetyger - FYI, you can’t just move to Canada.  Moving to Canada from the United States involves more than just skipping
    across the northern border. The process can be time consuming and

    Requirements to move to Canada

    The first step you need to take to work towards obtaining Canadian citizenship is to get yourself permanent residency in Canada. Some 200,000 people each year are granted permanent residency in Canada. Like immigration processes in all countries, this is a lengthy and complex process. When you apply for permanent residency you will have to do so under one of the following six classes: skilled worker, business, provincial nomination, family, Quebec selected, and international adoption.

    The skilled worker class is probably the most common and easiest way to obtain your permanent resident card in Canada. Much like in the United Kingdom, applicants are evaluated using a points based system that looks at education, language proficiency, work experience, age, arranged employment and adaptability. The score range is from 0 to 100, with a minimum of 67 needed to qualify for permanent residency. You criminal history will also be checked into. And other considerations, such as the current state of the Canadian labor market will be taken into consideration when your application is being reviewed.

    Many people around thе world wουld lονе tο mονе tο Canada legally аnd live thеrе permanently. Even іf thеу hаνе thеіr documents іn order аnd аrе eligible tο immigrate under thе Canadian immigration law, thеrе іѕ one more hurdle thаt needs tο bе overcome before thеіr dream comes trυе – thе medical exam.

    IRPA requires аll people whο intend tο mονе tο Canada аѕ permanent residents, visitors fοr more thаn 6 months οr students tο undergo a medical examination wіth сеrtаіn designated medical practitioners. It defines thе medical requirement s prospective visitors tο Canada mυѕt meet.

    and much much more… you can’t just “move to Canada for health care!”

  • That is just disgusting.

  • Beyond fucked up.  I would think they would refuse to prosecute, but in this case I think they only did because that’s what he wanted.

  • firetyger - yes immigrating to Canada is not as easy as you’d think, although I’d be more than happy for people to get their citizenship here and live here, contribute to this beautiful country, and work to make it better than the USA.  It started at health care, for everyone.  People always bitch about how Canada’s health care isn’t the “fastest” but that’s because we don’t fucking prioritize the rich.

    @Kristenmomof3 - I would be happy for people to move here, even with the incentive of health care.  The more people in this country, the more better people we’ll get, and soon we’ll be able to be seen as just as good as the USA (health-care wise).  Although like I said, we don’t prioritize our rich, we do prioritize our sick and no one gets left behind.  I find it completely absurd when people argue with me (Canadian) against the health care here because it’s not snap-of-your-fingers instant, dish out $100,000 and you’re done (and bankrupt, and without a house or car).  I’d be happy to wait while I can still provide for my family, still live in my house, still drive my car, and not fear a life worse than a one of dying.

    On the original post, I find it absolutely deplorable that the USA does NOT have universal health care, and that people keep rallying against it so that THEY can get instant health care, but screw all the others who can’t afford it.

  • This hurt my soul.

  • This breaks my heart.
    More so because I… have considered something similar.

  • I read this and heard it also on the news.  Sad.

  • Here’s hoping he finally gets the help he needs. Shame that it had to come down to that though, maybe it’ll light a fire under someone’s ass to get things changed here.

  • This reminds me of a part in Les Miserable (the book, I haven’t seen the musical to see if they kept it), this man considered doing something to get arrested because it would mean a meal and a warm place to spend the night.

    That is my main argument about universal healthcare; America is the ONLY “wealthy” country (in fact, we may still be the richest country on the planet) who cares so little about the health and well being of its people in the name of making money.

  • Blaming America for this is unjustified. There are all kinds of charities that could have helped this man.

    Lack of character and personal morality is not America’s fault. Each person is responsible for their own actions.

  • So send him so money….or did you mean shame on everybody else except you?

  • Also, I wanted to add another story. I was at a con a couple of weekends ago, and this girl I met was from Canada. She was visiting the country, nerding it up with other nerds, and hoping to have fun. She ended up swimming in a pool in a hotel and due to the hotel’s carelessness about the design of the pool, slammed her nose and broke it. She has to see specialists about getting surgery to correct it, something that would be expensive. When she came to this country, she didn’t think about getting health insurance, but did so about a week or so before the con out of the advice of some family. In her country, she wouldn’t have to worry about paying if something like that happened. But here, had she not had insurance, she would have been screwed.

    I just can’t understand how in Canada, in England, in tons of other countries that don’t make as much as Americans do, even during these “hard, economical times,” can afford to provide their people with free healthcare and not in America. I won’t drop her name, but I remember someone on Xanga who suffered from depression and an eating disorder saying how she has no idea where she would be if she couldn’t go to clinics for help for free. She said there was no way her parents could afford it, and she may have died from her diseases had Canada not have universal healthcare. And it’s not like having insurance automatically means great care here. I also remember a similar story in the paper; a girl with an eating disorder was denied coverage to go to a clinic that could save her life because her disorder was mental and not physical. As her mother angrily noted, the insurance would pay for a heart transplant if the girl got heart failure due to her disorder, but wouldn’t pay to prevent it from getting that far. It’s disgusting.

  • I just cannot believe the audacity of this man for doing what he did.


  • many people just don’t get it. they answer with things like “get a job” or “every one for themselves”. there are lots of people from laborers to lawyers who cannot find work right now. meanwhile the former CEO of the now defunct Wall Street firm is living high on the hog in spite of the fact that he and his top executives screwed investors and brought the firm tumbling down. for those who want to live in an every-man-for-himself society might i suggest Somalia or watch the movie Road Warrior. no man is an island. some of the most responsible, hard-working people who actually have played by the rules are now in situations like the man in this story, no job, no health coverage. there are few free clinics in existence and people have usually to travel long distances to get to them and for things like dental work there are often only free clinics for children.  

  • Lol, how come right here in america, I can’t go to a hospital and demand a needle shot?

  • Am I the only one who doesn’t feel sorry for this man? And he wants to get out and get his Social Security after using public tax money to get health treatment? Talk about having your cake and eating it too, even if it is prison. I somehow doubt he exercised all other options, and even if he did, it’s still not fair.

  • I actually had a police officer tell me once that they did not take an individual to jail because then they would have to send him to the hospital for medical attention. They guy had started a fight which he lost, and was not injured in a life threatening way–just bleeding. lol

    I hope this guy gets medical attention. I fear that he will get attention that he does not want from other prisoners.

  • @blonde_apocalypse - Shame on me.

    It is people like me’s fault because we cannot convince people like you that Everyone deserves healthcare. It isn’t a matter of You sending this dude money. It is that we all pitch in a little so that if he or YOU end up in this situation it doesn’t come to this.

    Shame on me. Tis true. I guess I need to try harder.

  • @haloed - many citizens of the u.s. are not rallying against universal health care. we see the need for it, but our government is trying to implement it by demanding everyone have health insurance (like one has to have car insurance if they own a car) but health insurance companies are one of the primary reasons we have spiraling costs of health care in the first place, so that seems like the wrong way to do it if you ask me. if you wreak your car and your insurance company finds some way to keep from paying all or part of the claim, you just end up riding the bus, getting a crappier car to replace the one that was damaged or you chip in some of your own cash, but you are back on the road again.

    with health insurance, the stakes are much higher if the insurance comnpany is successful in their efforts to stiff you to keep their stockholders happy. people can die or get in much more serious trouble while fighting for the benefits that they already paid for with their premiums. if they cannot afford payment for treatment from their own resources after paying premiums to their health insurance company while they pursue this fight, (hopefully with some help from someone who is in better health then they are since dealing with these guys takes a LOT of stamina) they are screwed.

    years ago, i had the worst time getting our health insurance company to pay for the ONLY asthma medicine we found that worked for our daughter. (i am sure that some of the stress-related illness i now deal with can be directly attributed to the constant battles i fought with those various companies–hubby’s work usually went with the lowest bidder for health coverage, so even though he has been with the same company for more than 20 years, we have tried just about all of them and there is very little difference between them, in my opinion) after we finally triumphed in the battle for the medicine that actually worked for her, they then excluded the delivery system (children under 12 cannot effectively use the inhalation device that comes with most asthma meds, rendering them pretty much useless without a delivery system) so from the time she was 18 months old until she was in middle school we had to pay for that part of her treatment ourselves IN ADDITION TO the premiums we paid every month…

    the insurance comapnies are making all kinds of deals with drug companies, but instead of making things more affordable for the consumer, we are told which drugs/treatments are allowed (even if your own doc disagrees, they will not pay for anything they do not deem “medically necessary” –aka economically advantagous to said insurance company) if after a long battle you miraculously convince them to cough up the resources for the treatment/drugs you need, you will be filling out paperwork on a regular basis after that for as long as that treatment/drug is required. the difference in the amount of resources this costs providers is so great most of them offer two options on pricing for services: the fee for service rate (MUCH lower since they aren’t having to use all their human and computer resources to submit the necessary paperwork to justify the necessity to insurance companies) and the insurance rate. 

    so yes, if universal healthcare in the u.s. means being told i HAVE to have health insurance, i will not be happy about that. if i am allowed to purchase the type i prefer, i might be okay with it, especially if it means that some of the folks that have had to sacrifice having basics like food and clothing to pay for medical care would get some help…

  • @MarksBeneathTheSkin - you are a selfish, fuck-up person and I feel sorry for you.

  • @FlashFosgitt - I think the way they’re doing it in Canada would work out well for the USA…. especially since we’re not based around insurance companies.  It’s all Canada health care.  Insurance companies are supplement to your health care for things like dental, eye care, and medications.  Not for major surgeries and definitely not for life saving procedures.

  • @tendollar4ways - This would only be true if “we all pitch(ed)” in to pay taxes, which is patently untrue.  It’s almost always people who don’t pay taxes who complain that “we all” (meaning “everybody but me”) need to pay more so everyone (meaning “I”) can have something.  You “deserve” what you earn, nothing more.

  • In a couple of years, I’ll be off my mom’s medical insurance, which covers pre-existing conditions. I have a congenital birth defect and cannot live without my medicine, which is ultra refined and is impossible to pay for without insurance. I suppose I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it, but it pisses me off that I’m not allowed to get insurance from certain companies because of my genetics that I can’t help. 

    Hopefully I don’t end up in the same situation. Poor fella. 
    @tendollar4ways - “Shame on me. Tis true. I guess I need to try harder.” This made me smile. 

  • @blonde_apocalypse - I see…Fuck thy Neighbor… is your stance . Shame on US for sure for adopting your attitude as policy.

    It should be easy to convince you guys (Conservative Christians) that taking care of the poor and sick and elderly is the right and moral thing to do especially since the Savior in your religion spoke of the virtue of these very things and loving thy neighbor… but oddly….you guys are the biggest proponets of the opposite. The Virtue of Selfishness and Screw thy Neighbor as long as I get mine.

    If you look at the comments in this string , empathy comes from the non-religious commentors and callousness and selfishness is what is seen by the “religious”.

    Strange, Strange friggin world we live in.

  • @tendollar4ways - You obviously can’t tell the difference between “thieving” and “charity.”  It’s only “charity” if you give YOUR OWN resources.  If you take from one person by force and give to another, that isn’t charity, it isn’t “taking care of the poor” it isn’t “loving your neighbor” it’s stealing.  And it’s unmitigated crap to preach about how you’re morally superior to anyone because you’re eager to give away everyone else’s resources, but then balk and use filth when someone even mildly suggests that it ***is possible*** for you to give of YOUR OWN resources.

    You have absolutely no clue whatsoever of my attitude toward personal charity, caring for the poor or generosity.  That’s because when I give, I give MY OWN resources and I do it quietly.

  • America is a prison industrial complex after all.

  • @blonde_apocalypse - Spoken like a True Sociopathic Atheist. Altuism is evil. I am not my brothers keeper. Selfishness is a virtue. Guilt is for suckas. Ayn fucking Rand callous, fuck thy neighbor horseshit.

    You have absolutely no clue whatsoever of my attitude toward personal charity, caring for the poor or generosity.  That’s because when I give, I give MY OWN resources and I do it quietly.

    Outta one side of your mouth…(oh you are such a giving good moral person)

    You “deserve” what you earn, nothing more!!!

    “Fuck you cuz you ain’t me out of the other….die and suffer motherfucker!!!”

    Taking care of the poor and the weak and the elderly is FAR superior to your sociopathic atheistic virtue of Selfishness.

    Shame on me. I just don’t know how to present this any more plain and simple. How to get you to change your mind. It could be you or a family member some day.

    BTW….tell @prettynpink628 - You “deserve” what you earn!!! nothing more!!!!

  • @tendollar4ways - I am in total agreement with you. I’m a pantheistic pagan, so I’ve never been one to assume that non-Christians have no moral compass. We’re all brothers and sisters- there’s no reason why we shouldn’t help each other as we would our blood relatives (at least, that’s always been my perspective). :)

  • Mark just told me. Gosh, what heartache :/

  • @prettynpink628 - What is odd is I am atheist. Blondie is Christian. You wouldn’t know it if you just looked at the attitude.

  • The fact that this happened in my home state kind of sends it home for me. >< The numbers of unemployed are in the top 10% nationwide, and yet, it seems like more and more people I know are being scammed by false hope of work.

  • @tendollar4ways - Are you really incapable of grasping the distinction between charity and forcible redistribution?

  • @tendollar4ways - I’ve learned to just judge people on their actions, and not their religious beliefs. Because once you bring that into it, it often gets perplexing as to why people say and do the things they do. o_O 

    Of course, I’m not suggesting you have to be religious to be a good person. What’s right is what’s right, regardless of what god you pray to. I think helping people is one of those universal goods, so I try to do it as often as possible.

  • @suicide_king23 -  Oh no. Not you!!!

    I REALLY hope you aren’t going to try and sell me the Limited Absolute Freedom spheres again. I told you already ya I ain’t buying your Oxy-(contin) Moron.

    Provinging health care, public education, national defense, etc etc etc IS not redistibution of the wealth….BUT The Promotion of General Welfare…

    The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

    That is the Constitution you slippery sidewinder…btw.

  • @tendollar4ways - You didn’t answer my question.

  • @TheSutraDude - nice show as usual, sutradude.

  • @suicide_king23 - I answered your question. US Constitution . Article 1 Section 8 is my answer. (I even copy and pasted for you).

  • @tendollar4ways - I didn’t ask you about the US Constitution.  That is a seperate issue.  I asked you to demonstrate that you have the conceptual capacity to understand the difference between voluntailly giving your money to others (charity) and having your money taken from you by force to help someone (involuntary redistribution).

    Has anyone ever told you that trying to talk to you can be tedious?

  • @tendollar4ways - Couldn’t agree more.  Just the other day I was thinking the same thing, that so many of the conservative christians who should be loving thy neighbor are actually the ones with the “I got mine, screw you” attitude.  It’s pathetic.  It seems the (far) right only cares about the unborn.  Those already living, but suffering and struggling?  Not one iota of compassion.  

    As for the politics of it – we will run our country into the ground by not funding education and healthcare.  Being sick and/or uneducated is what leads to people not being able to contribute to society in the first place.  

  • @xSurferDuckxz - Really? Oh my, I didn’t know. I’m so glad you can inform me of this, considering that you know me so well.

  • this hurt me so many ways. this is just shameful on our countries part.

    @LoBornlytesThoughtPalace - there are so many things i can respect your opinion on, even if i don’t agree. this is not one of them, i’m sorry.

  • @dude_this_world_sux - It is positively reprehensible to use a person’s grave misfortune as an excuse to hate on America.  This man’s situation is too grave to use to lash out at the country you hate.

  • @suicide_king23 - My feelings of frustration talking with you are reciprical.

    Dude…I know you are a friggin Rand Head and buy all that oxymoronic crap hook, line and sinker.  This Involuntary Redistribution you are speaking of is Taxes and that Force you speak of is the government. I am well aware of the theory and all that Objectivism garbage. .

    I ain’t buying it nor am I buying your Limmited Absolute Freedom (Oxymoron).

    I am not buying your assertion that taxing people and then providing healthcare is Theiving By Force.

    It do beleive it is however providing for the General Welfare and clearly stated as within the powers of Congress as given in the Constitution.

    I get it dude….

    Now try and sell me Freedom is Slavery or War is Peace…..You don’t have to with Ignorance is Stenght because your side has demonstrated this to be 100% irrefutablely true. It is your greatest Strenght.

  • @tendollar4ways - Your man O’bama the Irish-American, is trying to sell everyone that there is no war going on in Libya. Get off Planet X and come back to earth.

  • @tendollar4ways - ”Limmited Absolute Freedom”

    That is a term you came up with, denoting a concept you invented.  Oh, and it’s “limited,” not “limmited.”  Spellcheck.  Arguing against a mischaracterization of the opposing argument is a logical fallacy known as “The Strawman.”

    Sloppy.  Longwinded and sloppy.

  • @Melissa___Dawn - The unborn business is sick but it makes sense. The Conservative Christians (Knowingly or not) are following, support and adhere to the Philo of Objectivism and the Virtue of Selfishness which was born of Ayn Rand (a devout, dyed in the wool atheist).

    Notice how and what the Conservative X-tians support and why. It ALWAYS comes down to $$$$$. Being agianst Gay Marriage or Abortion doesn’t cost them much of anything money wise. This is why being anti-abortion is OK. Once that child is born, helping it or its family would cost you $$$ thus helping becomes evil or….as they re-market the idea as….Invulontary Redistribution by Force cuz that sound sinister and easier to sell. (as seen by the sidewinders in this very string).

  • @suicide_king23 - My bad….Limited Absolute Freedom Spheres…. Include the Spheres or omit them, it is an impossiblity and an oxymoron.

    You philo is nonsense. Complete and utter crap. It cannot exist.

    BTW…argueing against a typo? Now das friggin weak…

  • @tendollar4ways - ”My bad….Limited Absolute Freedom Spheres…. Include the Spheres or omit them, it is an impossiblity and an oxymoron.”

    Yeah.  Not a distinction I was referring to.  What I was referring to was the fact that that term/concept has 0 bearing on my argument; and, in fact, I don’t think it’s a term Rand used either for that matter (whom you brought up, not me).

  • @LoBornlytesThoughtPalace - i don’t hate america, i hate the fact that americans are so self-absorbed that this person’s situation, and so many others like it, aren’t enough to pop their little bubble and allow them to see clearly that there are so many people suffering that they can help.

  • @dude_this_world_sux - The title of this post is “The Shame of America…”  That is a direct attack on the greatest nation in human history for no good reason.

    This post is just an America-hating propaganda piece written at the expense of someone who has fallen on hard times. 

  • @LoBornlytesThoughtPalace - ”shame of america” isn’t to attack anyone, it’s to show that america as a nation should be willing to help our fellow man.
    this wasn’t “at the expense of” a man who has fallen on hard times, it’s to shed light on the sad situation of a man who has fallen on sad time.
    and i think being the “greatest nation in human history,” while that is extremely hard to judge, should be willing to lend a helping hand even if that means a little more in taxes so others remain healthy the way we will all most likely need to at some point in our lives.

  • @LoBornlytesThoughtPalace - The greatest nation in human history…. lmfao ok ok ;) you’re tooo tooo tooo funny today Curtis. Talk about self centered… ergh I forgot, the universe DOES revolve around America, I’m off to chuckle to myself then.

  • @petiteme_x - Troll insults only show what an idiot you are. If you had a brain, you’d be able to be civil and post a comment that made some sort of sense.

    America is THE greatest nation in human history.

    If you don’t know that, quit being a troll and start learning something.

  • @Kristenmomof3 - I don’t know exactly how long the process takes but I’d think since he got laid off three years ago and was having trouble then that he could have started the paperwork to immigrate or take on more part time jobs here.  Either way, it wasn’t right to commit a crime.  It’s not a good excuse.

  • @LoBornlytesThoughtPalace - lmao, as stated above, how self centered ;) America was originally founded by Europeans, yeah… THE BEST nation I know, no one else in the world could ever compare hahahah ok. Delusional on all aspects of life Curtis? Really? Americans are really either Natives[who truly are "Americans"] or are people from other countries. What created America was other countries. A nation built by other nations. So to say that it is the best nation is really an insult to the people who came over from other countries and built America[unless you are actually a Native].

  • I feel sorry for the poor guy, that he had to resort to such extreme measures just to recieve medical attention!
    I know how that feels, myself because I don’t have any type of insurance and I’m a type 1 diabetic!
    My medical bills are KILLER.
    It’s sad in this country, that there isn’t enough help for those who truly need it, and yet people who DON’T need it leech off the system all the time!
    Just look at what the people who have food stamps are buying, for cheese and rice’s sake! Crap they don’t even need.. I see ‘em filling up their carts with junk food and soda.. and it pisses me off. -.-


  • That’s one of the saddest things I’ve read in a while. I hope he gets the medical care he needs.

  • thank you for sharing and i sure am glad my mom immigrated here in canada so i can have access to all these health care facilities that i sometime take for granted. thank you. 

  • Some of the comments on here could only come from low-class gutter trash. I have heard the sort of thing before many times and always from Americans. Not worth pissing on.

  • @tendollar4ways - Yet, the need does not justify the action, if the action is wrong.  “Xtians”, if they are real, will be glad to help a person who is in need.  We give of what we have, and it multiplies in meeting the need (or it should).  We can teach and care about people and try to help them do better.  A person robbing to go to jail so they can get health care is a sick cry for help.

  • @pb49r - You are exactly right.  A Christian is willing to help.  How do you describe someone who demands that everyone else help, but meets suggestions that he, himself, might actually help with filth and offended screaming?

  • @tendollar4ways - I changed my mind about discussing this with you any further.  I knew better than to respond to you the first time, but I was dumb enough to get sucked into it anyway, and that’s my fault.  It isn’t possible to have a rational discussion with you, never has been.

  • @pb49r - “Xtians”, if they are real, will be glad to help a person who is in need.

    I think I pointed out already in this string that the majority veiw of Xtians in this string is Fuck this guy (thy neighbor). When you couple this attitude with Conservatism and the Ayn Rand virtue of Selfishness policy that made this whole situation possible. I ain’t buying what you said. It simply isn’t true.

    The dude (like many many people) cannot find a job and is suffering because he is sick.  (there might be other issues but this is the story that is presented and what we are going with and accept it as true). He doesn’t have insurance and cannot pay to see a doctor. If there were so many Christians out there providing charity and healthcare, he wouldn’t have needed to go the route he went.

    A person robbing to go to jail so they can get health care is a sick cry for help.

    Dude, it was much more than a cry….it was the only way he could get help.

  • @blonde_apocalypse - Closing your mind I see. Not surprising. This is a tactic used frequently by your kind. Oh and you went out with some name calling….I am irrational.

    Lemme show you irrational sweetie…

    Love thy neighbor as Thyself

    You only deserve what you earn!!!

    You are your brothers keeper

    So send him so money….or did you mean shame on everybody else except you? (I ain’t his keeper, you take care of him).

    When I propose a way to take care of our brothers, you call me a theif. We should condemn this dude and make him suffer and die for being poor and sick?

    Praise Jesus!!

  • It is sad that this man could not afford to get proper medical care but how he went about getting it was wrong as well.  If he needed immediate medical care he could have shown up at any hospital and recieved treatment, whether he could pay for it or not.  If he couldn’t afford to pay the bills right away, hospitals are usually more than willing to set up some kind of payment plan so they can get back at least a portion of what it cost to treat him.  Also Americans are very charitable and some individuals or a charity may have been willing to help him out.  This man may have felt like he did not have any other options when in reality there are always other options.  It is easier to blame the government for his problems, complain about the “system,”  break the law and go to jail, than it is to step up and deal with his own responsibilities.   

  • @dude_this_world_sux - Try this on for size.  The man lived five miles from free health care.  LINK

  • @wearywalden - The whole thing is bogus. It turns out the man lived 5 miles from free health care. See link in comment above.

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