September 4, 2012
How to know if a Butch likes you or is interested in you
How do you know if a Butch is interested in you?
Some butches are shy. Some aren’t shy at all.
So how do you know if a butch is interested?
1. She asks you if you have a facebook and tells you to friend her.
2. She comes up with a reason to ask you for your email or phone number. (something like wanting to email you the link to a website that she thinks you will really like or something like that)
3. When you are together in a group setting she sits right next to you or if she is sitting far away from you she keeps looking your way even when you aren’t talking.
4. She blushes when you compliment her.
5. She suggests hanging out sometime.
6. She is either really quiet or talks way too much.
7. She opens the door for you and offers you her jacket because you look cold
8. Touching you in a non sexual way (When I have a crush, I will find ways to touch them. I sit extra close.)
9. Buying you drinks or dinner, flowers, or something
Comments (18)
good tips for all genders
As a straight guy, my wife said that I was totally dumb when gals were hitting on me–both single and married. lol I think your observations have general applications regardless of the sexual orientation.
She sweeps you off your feet, takes you in her arms, looks you straight in the eye, leans close for a tender kiss and says at the last moment, “Man, you need contacts !”
I have found in my time that brutal honesty from a friend really shows if they truly care about you or not. Φ ≡
Everyone who says hi to you in a Facebook message want’s into your pants.
@LadyboyRevolution - Is that an answer to the question or a pleasant observation, Ladybee ? Φ
@dw817 - My pain in the ass experience with daily shallow Facebook fucktards. Not that I am complaining or anything……But can’t these fucktards take one second out of there time to look at my relationship status???
@LadyboyRevolution - just a question…is that you in the profile pic? I hope you take this as a compliment….you remind me of Isis King
@LadyboyRevolution - Huum … I just brought up your profile. Not too much there to tell me. I figured you were taken so I never asked. No Facebook link listed. Me – I’m taken for LIFE by Rose and that’s fine. *Grin* Φ
@Kristenmomof3 - Wow thanks for the compliment! But no that is my fiance, my pics are here. We switched pics for a kind of commitment purpose and to have fun.
@LadyboyRevolution - Your fiance is beautiful
@dw817 - LOL Rose sounds special to you. Tell me a little bit about her personality and how she captured your heart???
@Kristenmomof3 - hey thanks a lot I appreciate that! So are you sweety
@LadyboyRevolution - Hmm … Not here, this post is about how to know if a butch likes you. I tell you what though, when I get back Thursday, I’ll make a post, just for you and even seal it with your request, showing how Rose has indeed captured my heart.
Looking at the photos – you’re the big muscular guy in there then ??
@dw817 - Awww thanks that will be a great post!!
I wouldn’t call myself “big”. Tiny by today’s bodybuilding standards.
@LadyboyRevolution - Gosh you’re huge compared to me. I’m just a little shrimp – which Rose does remind me of from time to time. Anyways – I’ll post that Thursday.
I was really good friends with another bisexual girl for a really long time. It took us a year to finally talk about how much of a crush we had on each other when we first met. Both of us were just way too scared to make a move. -_-
People are the same all over, even when they’re different. : )
Good to know. I should probably be more careful then. Lol. Bc I’m just really friendly with females in general–
but by this list it would seem I’m totally crushing. Hahaha