May 22, 2011

  • Where’s the harm of a society operating upon delusions

    Do you want to know what makes the crazy people predicting the end of the world and the rapture so dangerous? It is the actions of the people who believe the Bull Shit that the idiots are saying.

    Lyn Benedetto slit her daughter’s throats and then slit her own. She reportedly told her daughters to lie on a bed and proceeded to take a knife to their throats. Why? Because she wanted to prevent her children from having to suffer through the “tribulation.”

    Stupidity kills. It kills innocent people.

    This time the children survived. Must we wait until the next time this happens and they’re not that lucky?

Comments (21)

  • Stupidity in all its forms is dangerous indeed. Whether it’s insane religious folks like the one in your video or the Stalinists who conducted anti-religious campaigns, stupidity can lead to a lot of innocent people suffering and dying. 

  • I agree with you, but I have to think that even in a world without delusional religious beliefs insane people would latch onto other ridiculous notions to believe in and act in harmful ways on.

  • Y’know, you’re right. Forget what the doctors say about insanity merely latching onto and twisting the beliefs in surrounding society. Forget that 99.99% of Christians didn’t believe Camping. It’s all Christianity’s fault. If only we could have a Great Leap Forward, a Cultural Revolution in this country. All our problems just go away.

  • I agree with you completely. I wish these stupid “end time predictions” would stop, or at least that the media wouldn’t talk about them.Maybe then some of the madness would stop.

  • I can never wrap my mind around the parents who do this sort of thing to ‘protect’ their children.  My faith in humanity always takes a blow from this.  

  • That is awful! I don’t understand…why do people believe these things? If they read (and paid attention to) the Bible, they’d know that no one knows when Jesus will return.

  • I suppose the world will never rid of the David Koreshes or the Bin Ladens.  Let’s hope that mankind is smarter than the lunatics that run about.

  • It’s better overall for the human race. Natural selection at work.

  • The problem is stupidity itself, not religion. if the people paid attention to the bible they’d know that even if it were the rapture they weren’t supposed to do that. 

  • If you don’t believe in God anymore – who or “what” tells you that this is wrong?  Not looking to start a fight, This is an honest question.

  • @Stacey - oh, give me a break. That is not an honest question. Let me guess…you are one of those christians that say that they would go out and kill people if they weren’t christians. @@

  • I totally agree with you and there was another woman who killed her son to keep him from suffering and a lot of suicides.

  • @Kristenmomof3 - wow.  no, honestly that was an honest question.  But since you’re in attack mode – I guess I won’t get an answer.  

  • @Stacey - Oh gee, I don’t know…maybe common sense?  If you can’t decide on your own that slitting your childrens’ wrists and throats is wrong, then you need some goddamn serious help.

  • @Stacey - I’ll give an honest answer.  I’m a human being and in order for me to survive I need to have respect for other human beings and their lives.  My body is my body to do with as I please, however, I do not have the right to violate another human being’s body.  If I don’t want someone violating my body in any way then I should respect that I have no right to violate someone else’s body.  While I think it’s terribly sad that someone would want to end their own life, I think it even sadder still that they think they have some sort of right, god-given or otherwise, to end the lives of their children.

  • @Melissa___Dawn - Thank you for your answer.  Apparently I am being looked at as a troll where I do not mean to be.  I “knew” Kristen from a yahoo group for married Christian women years ago, and I’ve followed her blog and seen her “become” a headcovering, Hebrew quoting “believer” (no longer calling herself Christian) then she began going to a gay and lesbian affirming church, then came out as pansexual, then coming out most recently as an atheist. 

    As a Christian myself I feel the Holy Spirit leads me (what many people would say is their conscience).  I was just trying to understand what a nonbeliever attributes their knowledge of right vs wrong to.  Thanks again for your answer.

  • @Stacey - Actually, I can understand Kristen’s point as well, since I have (unfortunately) come across christians who do indeed profess that without their belief in god they would commit rape and murder.  Let me ask you this, do you honestly believe that if you woke up tomorrow and for whatever reason no longer believed in the existence of god you would suddenly be unable to control yourself and would start killing people?  Religion helped to promote not killing off our species in the beginning, but it is not necessary in order to continue that trend.  I was born into a christian household and raised as a christian, I spent half my life believing in god, and the last half of my life I haven’t believed in god.  I have not murdered anyone, not even the drunk driver who killed my brother.  The only possibility of me killing another human being would be in self-defense, and if that ever were to happen I would still feel guilt about taking another human being’s life.  I don’t want someone to kill me, whether it be because they hate me or they think they are doing it out of love like the above story.  My body and my life are mine, they are not for anyone else to decide how I should live or how I should die. If that is how I want to be treated, then I need to treat others the same way, no god required. 

  • @zoetherat - Yes, but unfortunately I have come across people who believe that without god/the holy spirit they would have no conscience and would start raping and killing.  I believe conscience exists, I believe there are people who are born without a conscience (sociopaths), I don’t believe god or the holy spirit exist and I don’t commit rape or murder.  And I’m not entirely sure why this is directed to me since I’m the nonbeliever and the quoted part is not my statement.  Maybe I’m misreading something, truth be told I’m exhausted but can’t sleep, lol.

  • @Melissa___Dawn - Oops. Directed it at the wrong person.

  • @Stacey - “As a Christian myself I feel the Holy Spirit leads me (what many people say their conscience). I was just trying to understand what a nonbeliever attributes their knowledge of right vs wrong to”

    Well, it looks like you answered your own question (their conscience). 

  • Yeah, that is crazy/awful. :/ I’ve been so out of it I did not even know there was a ” left behind day until I saw a pic of empty clothes/ shoes on the ground prank.

    Going for my stroll now :) have an awesome day, lieber schwesterlein. :)

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