February 18, 2012

Comments (62)

  • Despicable. Why are people letting legislators get away with this??

  • @Doitean - As someone from Virginia (who disagrees with the bill) it has a lot to do with the fact that the majority of the state is rural.  In fact, I live within ten minutes of a Mennonite community.  I mean Old-Order Mennonites who still drive horses and buggies, and have little connections with the outside world.  Then you’ve got an overwhelming population of Mennonites who aren’t Old Order.  It’s an extremely conservative area, and sadly, those with common sense just don’t outweigh those who can’t see past their religion.  Welcome to the Bible Belt South.

  • “An unnamed lawmaker told a fellow Virginia delegate, a woman already consented to being “vaginally penetrated when they got pregnant.”
    Uh huh… Yes they did. Choosing to have sex one time does not mean one consents to having sex another time, even if it’s with the same person, moron. That’s why a person can be legitimately raped while married, AFTER their wedding night (or presumably, the many “nights” beforehand, wink wink). And that has nothing to do with later being raped to end the pregnancy. Like, “I had sex and got pregnant, therefore I have unknowingly consented to being raped.” That’s what he’s saying. I am not sure why people like this are allowed to be alive. Jesus fucking Christ. And yes I can say that because I’m an Atheist Jew. duh

    @Doitean - I wouldn’t. That’s all I will say, for fear of legal consequences.

    @clumsyandunaware - I’m not just being cute (though I always am, regardless) when I say you should seriously fucking move.

  • I think it’s funny people are against women being “probed” in the vagina when that is what happens during an abortion. (other than the pill) It’s not rape if women are informed beforehand, they make the choice.

  • @DrummingMediocrity - I intend to as soon as I finish school, hahahah.  Virginia blows politically and socially wise.  But it’s such a beautiful place, and there is soooooo much history here.  It will be bittersweet when I leave here.  I will not miss the people, but I will definitely miss the beauty and historical significance.

  • @clumsyandunaware - wow that’s like exactly how I feel about where I am… WV (ha) which is slightly less conservative, save the southern part of the state than virginia (which is why they split in the first place, anyway). I am moving very soon, when I get a job in PA or NJ. Already got a job offer which I might take, so probably very soon. :D

    Try not to get pregnant for a little while. har har

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - It is usually unnecessary to probe women with a transvaginal ultrasound beforehand, which is why it has caused such outrage. Women are numbed and often also given anesthesia via IV during an abortion procedure. Plus it’s not like the fact that abortion may cause pain discounts the pain that would be caused by an additional procedure.

  • @DrummingMediocrity - I completely agree it’s an unnecessary procedure, I disagree it is rape assuming women are informed that the procedure will take place. 

  • Hahaha small government hahaha.

    I love our powerless and unimportant new micro-government servants of the people!

    Sorry that’s mostly what I am thinking when it comes to this.

  • Strange. Most medical procedures are uncomfortable. I’m not getting mouth raped when I go to the dentist, because I know (and consent!) to what’s going on. I’m not getting raped if I get an abortion because I know (and consent!) to what’s going on. Likening & reasoning an internal ultrasound to sex is ridiculous and offensive on the part of the speaker, but calling it “rape” is just as outrageous.

  • I’m so pissed off about this I want to jam a bunch of fucking probes in the asses of all those fucking old men, and however old they are.  This cannot fly.

  • @milfncookies - IT IS RAPE.  Let’s get someone to hold you down and jam a gigantic probe up your vag against your will for no medical reason at all.  NONE. It’s rape so don’t act like you don’t know it.  You’re seriously not that stupid.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - If someone informs you they are going to rape you and then they rape you you are getting raped and fucked against your will. 

    If someone says “may I fuck you” and you say “yes you may fuck me” that is a different matter.  If someone says “may I fuck you” and you say “no, you may not fucking fuck me” and they fuck you anyway?

    RAPE, you’re getting raped.

    You know it too, and maybe you even fucking like getting raped for all I know, but nobody else does.

  • @DrummingMediocrity - Bunch of God Damned Masochistic women I can’t believe it.   Jesus Fucking Christ, you got that right, well said.

  • @Doitean - They’re not going to, you watch.  Trust me, there’s going to be HELL TO PAY

  • @clumsyandunaware - VIRGINIA went for Obama, remember? 

  • @James_River - I certainly hope so

  • @Doitean - Total rebellion.  OWS on steroids.  It will happen.

  • @James_River - I hope it’s nothing like OWS; that was an ineffectual mess. No plan, not even a goal, just a bunch of people doing nothing at the same time and not accomplishing any actual change. I’d rather have actual organized protests, like we had in the 60s and 70s.

  • @Doitean - No it wasn’t, it changed the entire discourse of the country!  Nobody was talking about the 1 percent and the 99 percent before OWS!  We’re not gone, either, just in a holding pattern.  You’re a liberal thinker, you probably shouldn’t diss the people who are trying to actually get off their asses and do something.  Sure, it needs to get more organized, and it will. The 60s and 70s were very similar, a bunch of people marching and occupying!  Sunday, Bloody Sunday, what was that, it was a march.  Then there was violence against the protesters.  It may have to come to that, if it has to come to that I’m there, I’d die to stand for the rights we gained back then that people are so happy to be careless with today.  I would and I probably will.  If things continue like this I will stand in OWS and it will probably kill me because I’m old now.   But I don’t care.

  • @James_River - Having had a transvaginal ultrasound and having been raped, I can confidently say that they aren’t anything alike. But please, continue with the insults, it really validates your arguments. 

  • My thoughts are that it’s an invasive procedure enough already,
    I think the extra probing unnecessary.
    I can only imagine the distress of a rape victim enduring that :/

  • @milfncookies - 

    I’m so sorry. (( hugs))
    I was raped also ( by my ex, so it wouldnt have been as traumatic as having been with a stranger) but I can kind of see how the ordeal could be incredibly traumatic.

  • @DivaJyoti - Most intelligent people were talking about the inequality of wealth distribution for years before OWS. (I actually have an issue with the “1% and 99%” OWS cry; the real problem is that the lower 50% of the population only control 2% of the country’s wealth. So it should be the lower 50% against the upper 50%)

    Furthermore, they aren’t getting off their asses and doing something – they’re sitting on their asses in public, doing nothing. The way you affect change is through voting, informed decision making, and education. Most of the people that consider themselves part of OWS don’t even know what they’re talking about, so they can’t very well inform anyone else. The entire thing was a stupid idea, especially given that there are both past and current examples of better ways to accomplish something.
    I’m all for the regulation of banks, investment managers, stock brokers, and everyone else that fucked over the economy. I’m all for raising the taxes of those in the upper percentiles, and for taxing investments equal to what we tax labor. But sitting downtown screaming at the bankers and investors (who have no power to change tax laws and no desire to do so) is just plain stupid. Talk to politicians (rationally) and vote intelligently. That is how we change things, just like we did after the Great Depression.

    Also, I feel this conversation would be better had elsewhere; it isn’t really the focus of this post.

  • @James_River - Your passion is sexy. That is all I have to say.

  • @James_River – With rape you do not have a choice, you have a choice whether or not to proceed with any medical procedure. It’s so obvious why you don’t have a Ph.D in a real subject.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream -   Take it up with whomever you can find to agree with you.  Probably not so much around here, go to Theo, whose butt your head lives up, he will comfort you I’m certain

  • @James_River - First you say I may like to be raped, and now you are talking about anal escapades with Dan. Most Xangans I’d probably fuck, but thinking that your wrinkly old puss probably gets off on this is disturbing.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - when you resort to the “oh you are so old” tactics, which you always do, I know you’ve lost.  hahahaha!

  • @James_River - And I know what you’ve lost. Your mind.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - You’re damn right, and your mama was remiss if she never taught you that it’s stupid to fuck with a crazy person.  hahaha

  • whatever legislator suggested “women who consent to sex also consent to vaginal probing” is sick in the head. since when does anyone, male or female who consents to sex automatically consent to anything every tom dick and harry or mary are want to do?  

  • @James_River – I’m glad you have self awareness because I think everyone on Xanga would agree with your self assessment. 

  • I just want MEN to keep their politics out of my vagina. Thanks.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - you speak for no one but yourself on Xanga, but I’ll put it this way.  I’d rather be both crazy and old than…….

    ………………………….you!    I wouldn’t trade places with you, that’s for sure, hahaha.

  • @James_River - Good for you! That takes courage. As for me if I was that old, ugly, and fucking crazy I would have offed myself long ago. But look at you, ya keep going. That’s what I like about you, persistence.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - Ah…but you will be old.
    Or you will be dead. Time is the great equalizer, toots. As  I am now, so shall you be…

  • @galadrial - Human beings grow older. That is very insightful. You should write a book.

  • @milfncookies - Sorry ducks…but because one caused me years of trauma to overcome, and the other I just remember as painful and degrading doesn’t make an unnecessary medical procedure FORCED on women as punishment any less of invasion.

    That’s like saying…Well, some guy just groped you, but he didn’t actually stick his penis in…so you shouldn’t feel violated…come on…seriously?

  • @galadrial - Exactly, hahaha, perhaps she’s imagines she’s immune to the condition of getting older, but the main thing is she just hates me because I outed her for recruiting trolls. What can I say, it needed to be done!

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - I already did.
    I assume you will too? Oh…and mine is in the library of Congress…which means someone ELSE paid to publish it. Vanity Press doesn’t count.

  • @TheSutraDude - You’re such a fine man, I wish there were more like you in actual politics.

  • @galadrial - I’m glad you are appropriately spreading infinite wisdom. Now humanity will finally know its fate. What would the world do without you?

    @DivaJyoti - I don’t hate you. Sure you’re obnoxious, fat, old, and a cunt – but that’s not a reason to hate a person. 

  • So what they are saying in Virginia is even if a woman needs a medical abortion she has to have this procedure.  Bet a bunch of pro lifers are behind this.

  • If it has no medical purpose… there is no point in requiring it… thereby it is stupid and rape. If they don’t agree they will have to change the meaning of the law in nearly every state. I can’t believe I actually have to think about this, let alone come up with an argument. My head hurts. Politicians give me seizures.

    @ShimmerBodyCream - You certainly are as bitter and hateful as when I left you.

  • @misuriver - And you are still… actually, I have no clue who you are. But thanks for keeping me on your mind! .. I think.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - You are so adorable when you’re full of shit. Peace.

  • @misuriver - Well, I didn’t THINK I knew you, but you’re surprisingly accurate about me being adorable. Perhaps my memory is just faulty.

  • @James_River - Is that like “*giggles*”? Hmm…

  • It’s rape, without a doubt. @Doitean - They did change the topic in the news, they changed it a great deal. Maybe not among your friends, but in the news they did.

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - actually she’s brilliant, gorgeous, sexy, wise, loving, funny, youthful, beautiful, large breasted, lanky, great legs, sexy, fun, fashionable, highly educated, clever, witty, and she can charm anyone of any age, I get jealous sometimes. She’s beautiful, she’s my queen, she’s loveable, she’s the love of my life.  She’s none of the things you said. Not sure what your problem is, but it’s clear you’ve got one. Sounds like jealousy to me, maybe because you could ever dream of having half of the class that she has. Or the smarts.

  • @milfncookies - They are talking about the wording and the fact that in order to have one procedure done, another must be done that has no medical bearing whatsoever. You can’t say no to it… it’s rape. 

  • @NewDog2 - You have the best set of beer goggles I’ve ever witnessed. Some day I hope to find out what brand you drink.

  • The only reasoning for the vaginal probing is that it’s easier to see the sac/baby. Rape victims still have to undergo “vaginal” probing regardless if you think about it. They have to have a pap smear, rape kit, ect, all of which involves instruments going in that area and a vaginal instrument to open the woman up. I don’t honestly see the outrage. Instead of calling it “rape” let’s call it what it for what it is. It’s the outrage that a woman would be forced to view an ultrasound of the baby. Maybe they should make it elective as far as the vaginal probe, but I still think it should be required a woman at least view an ultrasound from the belly before undergoing the procedure.

    Btw, when I was pregnant, I was kind of forced into having a vaginal ultrasound. I wasn’t seeking an abortion, but it was my first ultrasound at 12 weeks pregnant. They told me that it was standard for all women to have it done in the early weeks of pregnancy. Should I have felt raped? No…I viewed it as a medical procedure, not something sexual.  

  • So, it’s okay to have a dick rammed up your vagina but not okay to have a probe placed up the same vagina prior to a medical procedure?

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - i’d say it’s comparable to a woman who desperately needs a job and here is the only job being offered to her but the interviewer tells her if she wants the job she has to allow him to have sex with her and she has to pay him for the privilege of being penetrated by him. the penetration has nothing to do with the job but is now deemed a necessary step to getting the job. he informed her so i guess technically it’snot rape. in my mind it should be considered rape since in this situation, needing the job, she’s being given no choice. 

  • WOAH……………..wtf? OUCH

  • @FuhkAwf - Assuming the sex was consensual then there is a difference. A vaginal ultrasound is not a necessary medical procedure for someone looking to get an abortion. Forcing them to do something that is not medically necessary is not a good thing. It also assumes that the woman somehow is incapable of making the decision for herself, so the state has to “make sure” and in turn they hope to shame her out of having the abortion altogether. It’s underhanded and filled with ulterior motives. The woman also has to pay for the medical procedure and it is not a cheap thing.

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